No big changes but everything is growing good so far. It doesn't like like there will be any weather surprises. Things are just going to start growing faster as the weather warms up.
I planted another couple rows of beets, a row of dill, radishes, and a couple more rows of lettuce. These are just 4 ft rows so nothing crazy with my limited space. I have a ton of collards and Swiss Chard volunteers on the side of the house. I'm thinking of using some chard as a landscape feature in the front yard. The red stems make a nice color addition and the leaves are nice as well for a foliage addition.
I'm making IMO and FPJ and have a bunch of jars brewing. I have to go buy another 2 gallon pump sprayer to spray everything with the IMO and other stuff. I don't want to use any of the ones I already have as I've used them for spraying fruit trees, roses, etc... with various fungicides and insecticides. You can never have too many sprayers. They're cheap enough to have dedicated ones for specific uses.
The broccoli Rabe is somewhat disappointing. I thought the plants would get bigger. It could be the variety or maybe I crowded them too much. Could be that the soil isn't really to their liking. I've been amending my soil all around the yard but I've never tested it except for a pH slurry test. Things could be off. I'm hoping the KNF and JADAM will get everything back in order. Worm castings and compost can vary as far as nutrient content and concentration. I've been mixing quite a bit of organic matter into the soil over the last few years. It needed it but things might be a little off.
Two days ago
Taken today. Significant growth but overall the plants are small and look like it's time to harvest as the flowers are about to open up. I've never grown it before but in the future I think I'll buy a different variety from Seeds of Italy. I'm planting some more tomorrow so maybe I planted early. We'll see. It a cold weather crop so it should have done better which leads me to believe that the soil on the side of the house needs some work.