Just How Important is CO2?


Active Member
Im about to get my first grow up and going. Plan on growing three bagseed plants in a fairly small closet. I have the seeds germinating right now, but heres my question (or one of them for now atleast).

I know CO2 is like what oxygen is to us for the plant... so i know its important, but how important? Will i still need some type of co2 setup or will it be ok without one?

Oh and one more quick question. Any recommendations of soil i should use that i can get at a walmart or lowes or somewhere of that kind?


Well-Known Member
I don't live in the US so I don't know what they have available in those stores; avoid miracle grow though, it's very easy to nutrient burn your seedlings with it. CO2 is important but providing you have a decent ventilation you won't need to add any fancy machine too churn it out. Unless you have very powerful lighting, light will be the limiting factor for photosynthesis and ergo growth.


Well-Known Member
I don't live in the US so I don't know what they have available in those stores; avoid miracle grow though, it's very easy to nutrient burn your seedlings with it. CO2 is important but providing you have a decent ventilation you won't need to add any fancy machine too churn it out. Unless you have very powerful lighting, light will be the limiting factor for photosynthesis and ergo growth.
I agree with every thing he said, if you can get it Georgia try Premiere Pro Mix for growing.


Active Member
do you know if that have that at Lowes or not? ive also read that Fox Farm something Forrest is a good soil to use... and Scotts?

as far as the co2 i found an easy homemade set up im gunna try using


Well-Known Member
For your first grow, I would suggest leaving CO2 out of the mix. For a newbie you are going to run into enough problems as it is without adding more complications to the project. There is naturally enough CO2 in the air to grow a decent plant. I seriously doubt that adding CO2 on your first grow will make a significant difference, let alone the expense of doing it right.


Well-Known Member
do you know if that have that at Lowes or not? ive also read that Fox Farm something Forrest is a good soil to use... and Scotts?

as far as the co2 i found an easy homemade set up im gunna try using
Dont even waste your time with any of those silly home made co2 devices out of old pop bottles & such,co2 is proven to drastically speed up the growth process but only under very precise circumstances in a highly controled enviroment,what little co2 thats actually put out from one of those shake n bake co2 jobbers isnt enough to make a mouse fart let along help marijuana plants grow faster,that is a fact.

If your new to growing dont get caught up in the mumbo jumbo nonsense of high priced hydro shop products promising all kinds of different things like bigger buds or harder buds,its all snake oil,off the shelf fertilizers are just as effective & 10x cheaper.

For soil you can make your own pro mix cheaper than buying hydro shop soild such as fox farms & such & everything you need can be bought at home depot or lowes,even buying a brand soil that costs as much as scotts brand is not needed,home depot sells a very good quality potting soil called "Earth Grow",ive grown using this soil in side by side grows with more expensive soils & the expensive soil offered no benifit to overall health or yeild.

The 2 main issues when making your own pro mix are this,first you want to be sure your pro mix has excellent drainage,second you want to be sure the soil is rich in nutrients,here is the mix ratio i use with Earth grow potting soil & earth grow Top soil.

Potting soil............40%.
Top soil................20%.
Masons sand.........10%.

Adding top soil is very important,the bulk of nutrients in soil are contained within top soil,this assures a nutrient rich soil through the vegative process,the perlite is also very important as it allows your soil to drain quickly & to keep it fluffy for new root growth to easily cut through the soil searching for water,the masons sand also helps keep the soil very loose & takes up very little volume in the pot so more soil can be in the mix,having a fluffy mixture of soil is very important to a fast healthy grow.


Active Member
what is the right NPK for the sprout to grow in? and then for the veg stage?

thanks for the replies so far

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