i had an aquarium that i used to grow some mushrooms in... does that count?
I have a Aquarium with Koi , great tea every week for free with no brewing involved !
i had seen the post was falling down the board with no responses... so i thought i'd add my 2 cents! i've never really had any fish, but was thinking someday.
Here is a lovely thread with a saltwater emphasis and some great pics. cn
Considering a very desirable breeding pair can hit close to 10K US the fillets probably won't be seen at wally world anytime soon.
They are very stately & graceful - super calming to watch as they will literally follow you when you go past the aquarium.
I can totally see that. I bet it's a lot of work maintaining them.
Before covid I would often go hang out at Ripley's Aquarium and watch the fish.
Discus are absolutely high maintenance - a minimum of weekly 50% water changes & tank cleanings but being retired allows me to do this no prob.
Cool looking tank there - I'd love to see it in person.