69 Days Flowering - Is She Done? Pics!


Well-Known Member
OK, She's been flowering for 69 days but suffered much stress, including a three day cross country drive.

I'm having trouble deciding when to harvest. It looks like the very top trichs are somewhat milky, the bottoms look clear, and I may have spotted an amber here and there.

She's been flushing for 3 weeks or so

But the bud looks ripe to me! How many more days 'till harvest??


Well-Known Member
Dude they DEFINATELY dont look done. Is there anyway you can give them a few weeks of love and a stable enviornment? Ph'd water and molassas maybe


Well-Known Member
Dude they DEFINATELY dont look done. Is there anyway you can give them a few weeks of love and a stable enviornment? Ph'd water and molassas maybe
Thanks, I'm trying to give her a stable environment now - 12/12, phed water, nice cool temps, undisturbed. Do you really think she needs few weeks? She's day 70 today.

Should I be concerned about the dying leaves?


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I'm trying to give her a stable environment now - 12/12, phed water, nice cool temps, undisturbed. Do you really think she needs few weeks? She's day 70 today.

Should I be concerned about the dying leaves?
Nope. They are supposed to dye. The lady will pull that nitrogen from her leaves. It helps with " bag appeal" the smell is more pot like.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I'm trying to give her a stable environment now - 12/12, phed water, nice cool temps, undisturbed. Do you really think she needs few weeks? She's day 70 today.

Should I be concerned about the dying leaves?
Get a scope for 17 bucks. They are fun.


Well-Known Member
That looks like some nasty good bud there,but she should go 3 weeks maybe another month or so if u want it to turn out right.Like fat said she is pulling out all the nutes from her bottom its a good sign actualy.What strain is it?


Well-Known Member
Those leaves look worse than the plant pulling "n" from them. They look burnt, nute burnt, stressed along with whatever else. I would add a tablespoon of unsulphered molassas to some good ph'd water and let the sugars from the molassas give a lil boost. I'm still thinking a good two weeks to recover and finish healthy. Then you'll still have to dry and cure which takes a few weeks. So your looking at another month at least.......or two weeks and some harsh smoke.


Well-Known Member
Those leaves look worse than the plant pulling "n" from them. They look burnt, nute burnt, stressed along with whatever else. I would add a tablespoon of unsulphered molassas to some good ph'd water and let the sugars from the molassas give a lil boost. I'm still thinking a good two weeks to recover and finish healthy. Then you'll still have to dry and cure which takes a few weeks. So your looking at another month at least.......or two weeks and some harsh smoke.
Take a look at all of his pics doe. They look like done and not done. So I say leave um.


Well-Known Member
Those leaves look worse than the plant pulling "n" from them. They look burnt, nute burnt, stressed along with whatever else. I would add a tablespoon of unsulphered molassas to some good ph'd water and let the sugars from the molassas give a lil boost. I'm still thinking a good two weeks to recover and finish healthy. Then you'll still have to dry and cure which takes a few weeks. So your looking at another month at least.......or two weeks and some harsh smoke.
Thanks, Bone

She hasn't had any nutes for 3 weeks. Any idea what else it could be?


Active Member
To me, 69 days is a fairly long flowering period....from the pics, id say not much longer, like a week. Do you know the strain?


Well-Known Member
To me, 69 days is a fairly long flowering period....from the pics, id say not much longer, like a week. Do you know the strain?
It's feminized Snow White from Nirvana, I beleive it's so small because of rootbound and stress. But it worked out in my favor since I have no space.