Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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I'm not sure where this idea that your family and friends are impervious to covid, but my wife had to rat out our neighbours in our daycare bubble for having a family sleep over with both sets of grandparents, cousins and another neighbor kid.

I've had 4 covid tests in the last month and the first three were uncomfortable as fuck, but the last girl shoved that swab into my brain, did a 5 count then twisted that thing like she was getting the last drop of peanut butter out of the jar. Ouch!!!
I noticed last night that the weekly rental beside me had a family move in ....... owned by a close family member ..... disrespect runs rampant here :(.
The owner is a moron for not enforcing mask rules, shutting down, cleaning and illness all disrupt business and cost money. Perhaps you should just report people to the government directly, pull out your phone and call the cops, don't say a word, let them pay the fine. They don't give a fuck about you, why should you care about them paying a fine? It's not like there isn't a fucking major crises there!

When the cops show up and issue a few fines for a grand or two and another one on the owner, that might make an impression. You're vaccinated and can work from home for now, so I guess keeping yer head down is the smart thing to do. I dunno what it will be like next year when many of the morons who refuse to wear masks will also be running around unvaccinated. The vaccines are coming out of emergency use though and many employers will make them mandatory, so see your boss about making it policy. Tell him it's a great chance to get rid of people with poor judgement and an opportunity to cull the stupid. :lol:
Ya well it’s against my nature to rat but hopefully the people effected will speak up. There is a huge mindset that have basically given up but by my rudimentary poll their mostly stupid fucks.
As a concrete mixer driver at the third largest construction company here we have at least six large projects (two hospital sites and 4 high rises) on the go right now and only one site is taking it seriously. The rest wear no masks and five or six guys stand a foot apart, the curb and sidewalk crews are even worse with like 9 guys in a row that all hop in pickups with no masks. Thankfully it's outside and I'm usually in the cab or perched above them on my pedestal. I have flat out refused to work the chute like I normally do, thankfully it's optional. I have been openly laughed at and called stupid for protecting my family. Unbelievable stupidity!!

a large well known company here in the US is finishing my building and they all wore masks. they're starting with concrete on the outside now so the guys hand digging because the bucket would rip data cords. they were not wearing masks. guy running bucket wasn't either.
I work construction framing houses in one of the bluest cities in the nation. Working outside we never wear masks but we are also rarely in super close contact for any extended amount of time. If we're working inside masks are always worn by all trades as long as a gc is around. Otherwise most dont bother

I haven't talked to anyone in my line of work who thinks it's a hoax, just "overblown" even though they've all mentioned knowing someone who died or got seriously sick from covid. They're all sure it wont happen to them though

Trades people are fairly retarded, by and large
I work construction framing houses in one of the bluest cities in the nation. Working outside we never wear masks but we are also rarely in super close contact for any extended amount of time. If we're working inside masks are always worn by all trades as long as a gc is around. Otherwise most dont bother

I haven't talked to anyone in my line of work who thinks it's a hoax, just "overblown" even though they've all mentioned knowing someone who died or got seriously sick from covid. They're all sure it wont happen to them though

Trades people are fairly retarded, by and large
Been there done that!
I am going to give this t shirt that I made to the very nice gentleman that helps with paperwork and information on vaccines where I got mine. He was very informative, compassionate , friendly and positive. I hope he likes it. He waits with everyone after the first shot and is so warm and welcoming .
I am going to give this t shirt that I made to the very nice gentleman that helps with paperwork and information on vaccines where I got mine. He was very informative, compassionate , friendly and positive. I hope he likes it. He waits with everyone after the first shot and is so warm and welcoming .

Hey Amber, I'm wondering what you think about the conspiracy theory from the anti-vaxxers who say that the hospitals are lying about the number of deaths from covid. They are saying that most of those deaths were from other things, and not related to the virus.

It's justification for them being afraid of getting a shot. :roll:

Hey Amber, I'm wondering what you think about the conspiracy theory from the anti-vaxxers who say that the hospitals are lying about the number of deaths from covid. They are saying that most of those deaths were from other things, and not related to the virus.

It's justification for them being afraid of getting a shot. :roll:

I think they have mental illness.
They have walk up shots at the Convention Center in Portland now. No appointment needed. Although you can schedule an appointment if you want. I'll be getting my first shot in a week or so. I wanted to just go to the Walgreens down the street but they don't have any available appointments for awhile or doses. I don't know which. It just always says no appointments available when I select that location on the online vaccine locator. So the Convention Center it is.
PolitiFact | Debunking the anti-vaccine hoax about ‘vaccine shedding’

Debunking the anti-vaccine hoax about ‘vaccine shedding’


  • Medical experts and the CDC said it’s not biologically possible for the COVID-19 vaccine to “shed” or affect unvaccinated people, despite what anti-vaccine activists claim.
  • The misinformation about “vaccine shedding” has had a real-world impact. One Miami private school recently instructed immunized teachers to stay away from students, citing the baseless claim that unvaccinated people can experience menstrual irregularities and other reproductive harm simply from interacting with vaccinated people.
  • There is no evidence that the COVID-19 vaccines cause fertility or menstruation problems in people who get them, let alone in their close contacts, experts said.
In April, faculty and staff at a small Miami private school received a letter telling them that if they chose to get the COVID-19 vaccine, they would have to keep their distance from the students. A week later, one fifth-grade student sent an email home to her parents from the school.

The teacher "is telling us to stay away from you guys," the student wrote, according to reports.

The episode at the Centner Academy is the latest example of online misinformation seeping into the real world. School co-founder Leila Centner framed the policy as a matter of protecting the unvaccinated people from "being negatively impacted" by those who got their COVID-19 shots.

"We have at least three women with menstrual cycles impacted after having spent time with a vaccinated person," Centner said.

The notion that the COVID-19 vaccines can be "shed" like the coronavirus itself "is a conspiracy that has been created to weaken trust" in the vaccines, said Christopher Zahn, vice president of practice activities at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

The script-flipping narrative not only dissuades people from getting the vaccine, but also seeks to isolate or punish those who have.

The misinformation has taken a hold anyway — well beyond one school in Miami. Businesses in Canada asked vaccinated customers to stick to curbside pickup. And on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, users shared warnings that serious side effects, including menstrual irregularities and infertility, can come from contact with vaccinated people.

PolitiFact talked to medical experts about what emerged in April as a prevailing narrative within the anti-vaccine community. The claims about "vaccine shedding" are not only false, but also biologically impossible given the construction of the COVID-19 vaccines.

"There is absolutely no biological mechanism for any COVID-19 vaccine side effects or vaccine components to shed to others," said Dr. Shruti Gohil, the associate medical director for epidemiology and infection prevention at the University of California, Irvine.

COVID-19 vaccines do not ‘shed’
The notice sent out at Centner Academy stirred so much controversy that a reporter asked about it during a White House press briefing. But the facts aren’t up for debate.

None of the three COVID-19 vaccines approved for use in the U.S. "can possibly affect a person who has not been vaccinated, and this includes their menstruation, fertility, and pregnancy," said Dr. Jennifer Gunter, a gynecologist who has written about the vaccines, in a blog post. "Let me be very clear. The COVID-19 vaccines cannot affect anyone by proxy."

"In fact, the opposite is true," added John Grabenstein, the associate director for scientific communications at the Immunization Action Coalition. "By being vaccinated, one avoids being infected and so does not become a COVID-19 virus factory."

The vaccines use different technologies to instruct cells to make versions of one spike protein found on the coronavirus, so the immune system can mount a response to it, said Dr. Paul A. Offit, chair of vaccinology at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine.
PolitiFact | Tucker Carlson’s misleading claim about deaths after COVID-19 vaccine

Tucker Carlson’s misleading claim about deaths after COVID-19 vaccine
  • Tucker Carlson was citing data from the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System database, or VAERS. The VAERS system is open to anyone, and reports to it are not verified, making it a breeding ground for misinformation about vaccine safety.
  • The entries in the VAERS database are not enough to determine whether a vaccine causes death or any other adverse event, experts said. People can die after getting vaccinated for any number of reasons unrelated to the vaccine.
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analyzed the death reports submitted to VAERS through May 3 and concluded that there’s no “causal link to COVID-19 vaccines.”
See the sources for this fact-check

Fox News host Tucker Carlson suggested that thousands of Americans have died since December because of the COVID-19 vaccines, citing an unverified federal database that has become a breeding ground for anti-vaccine misinformation.

The comments were the latest in a series of controversial remarks by Carlson raising doubts about the vaccines, which clinical trials and real-world studies have shown both safe and effective.
They have walk up shots at the Convention Center in Portland now. No appointment needed. Although you can schedule an appointment if you want. I'll be getting my first shot in a week or so. I wanted to just go to the Walgreens down the street but they don't have any available appointments for awhile or doses. I don't know which. It just always says no appointments available when I select that location on the online vaccine locator. So the Convention Center it is.
You gotta check when they update appointments for the next week. I called Safeway and they told me they do it Monday, so I checked the first Monday when I woke up at 1pm and they had 1 appointment that went in a few minutes. It was late anyways so I didn't really want it.

Next Monday I checked and they had one appointment left at 4:00pm on 4-20 so I took it. Thankfully all the Coloradan's needed 4:20 on 4-20 off to some reason, lol.

If I would have woken up early I could of probably had my pick, but I don't wake up early.

Anyways, got my first Pfizer on 4-20. My second is on Tuesday. Everyone else in my family had to travel downtown to get it, but I got lucky and only have to drive about 2 miles to my local Safeway. I was happy to find out it was the Pfizer too. Just a mild sore arm the first day. We'll see what the second one feels like in a few days.
I won't be getting the vaccine because I had COVID last year, along with my family (who caught it from me after a trip to Saigon Jan 2020).
At age 65, didn't really affect me, no fever, slightly unwell for a week, blocked ear on and off for 6 weeks and a hacking cough.
At age 40, it really hit my wife hard, high fever and flat out on the sofa for 10 days, she got a relative to stay and nurse her, couldn't get up unaided.
At age 9, my son just had fever for 3 days, same as any other flu.
We all coughed for 6-8 weeks.

My 23 year old daughter showed no symptoms, even though she was living with us the entire 2 months.
I won't be getting the vaccine because I had COVID last year, along with my family (who caught it from me after a trip to Saigon Jan 2020).
At age 65, didn't really affect me, no fever, slightly unwell for a week, blocked ear on and off for 6 weeks and a hacking cough.
At age 40, it really hit my wife hard, high fever and flat out on the sofa for 10 days, she got a relative to stay and nurse her, couldn't get up unaided.
At age 9, my son just had fever for 3 days, same as any other flu.
We all coughed for 6-8 weeks.

My 23 year old daughter showed no symptoms, even though she was living with us the entire 2 months.

so you are 25 years older than your wife who is 40 and you have a 23 year-old daughter?
You gotta check when they update appointments for the next week. I called Safeway and they told me they do it Monday, so I checked the first Monday when I woke up at 1pm and they had 1 appointment that went in a few minutes. It was late anyways so I didn't really want it.

Next Monday I checked and they had one appointment left at 4:00pm on 4-20 so I took it. Thankfully all the Coloradan's needed 4:20 on 4-20 off to some reason, lol.

If I would have woken up early I could of probably had my pick, but I don't wake up early.

Anyways, got my first Pfizer on 4-20. My second is on Tuesday. Everyone else in my family had to travel downtown to get it, but I got lucky and only have to drive about 2 miles to my local Safeway. I was happy to find out it was the Pfizer too. Just a mild sore arm the first day. We'll see what the second one feels like in a few days.

The Pfizer vaccine is the one they're giving out at the Convention Center. To be honest though I haven't really been following the different vaccines except I do know one allegedly caused blood clots in a few recipients. I'm not worried about that and will take whichever is available when I go to get my shot.
I won't be getting the vaccine because I had COVID last year, along with my family (who caught it from me after a trip to Saigon Jan 2020).
At age 65, didn't really affect me, no fever, slightly unwell for a week, blocked ear on and off for 6 weeks and a hacking cough.
At age 40, it really hit my wife hard, high fever and flat out on the sofa for 10 days, she got a relative to stay and nurse her, couldn't get up unaided.
At age 9, my son just had fever for 3 days, same as any other flu.
We all coughed for 6-8 weeks.

My 23 year old daughter showed no symptoms, even though she was living with us the entire 2 months.
There's a lot to unpack in that post, not the least of which is: what the hell is a 65 year old man doing naming himself a girls name and using some sort of furry fetish avatar?

By the way, having already had covid doesn't protect you. If you get one of these new strains, especially the Indian one, you will in all likelihood die.

Get vaccinated.