Is she ready? Help!


Week 7 Day 3
Seems a bit early to see such cloudiness and amber, but hey, that’s why I’m here. I don’t want to go any longer if it’s gonna degrade from here.



So now we’re on week 9 day 6. Since originally posting, they’ve gotten much fatter with some purple coming out on one of them. My original advice was to wait 2-3 more weeks. Super happy I did. Just tossing a line to gauge how far out I am.



Plant 2 has some orange spots on random leaves. I’m thinking maybe I started flushing too early and they still needed more nutes? Not sure. This one also has a lot more white hairs than plant 1.



Active Member
So now we’re on week 9 day 6. Since originally posting, they’ve gotten much fatter with some purple coming out on one of them. My original advice was to wait 2-3 more weeks. Super happy I did. Just tossing a line to gauge how far out I am.
Great job there looking awesome! If any white hairs are still there and straight at that, you still have some time. I would say wait few more week for sure and some. Try not rush this part by any means .They will bulk up even more, it will be well worth it.


Well-Known Member
So now we’re on week 9 day 6. Since originally posting, they’ve gotten much fatter with some purple coming out on one of them. My original advice was to wait 2-3 more weeks. Super happy I did. Just tossing a line to gauge how far out I am.
Flush? Whats that? A contraversial subject is what it is. Old guys dont flush, ever. Toilets included, lol.


One with all the white hairs needs 3+ weeks.
That puts it at 12+ weeks from flip. Based on what research I’ve done, that’s around 2 weeks stretch and 10+ weeks actual flowering. Is that right? It makes sense saying it out loud vs what I’ve been actually practicing. These are straight bag seeds so idk what strain or anything. First grow, tryna work out the kinks before I plant the expensive seeds.

I greatly appreciate the feedback!