Anime your top ten favorites

A couple of rom-coms(?) I’ve enjoyed here recently…Mako Chiki and Real Girl. MC is another school setting with a relatable geek as MC, the usual naughty comedy of errors, but a really sweet story, with only a few major obstacles. Enjoyed it. Real Girl is a real tear-jerker, expertly done, expertly done. I’ll be sniffling the rest of the night.

Classroom of the Elite may or may not be as interesting/intriguing as it seems, but I’m giving it a shot.

Seitokai Yakuindomo is really funny …kinda like an anime Benny Hill show set in a Japanese high school, full of naughty jokes that rely on cross-cultural slang for their punch…but with better looking girls, and actually *funny*. And of course without Benny Hill (can’t stand him myself). It flies fast, hard to keep up with.
Thanks for sharing
My top 10

1. Cowboy Bebop

2. Samurai Champloo

3. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

4. Death Note

5. Dragonball Z


7. Naruto

8. Inuyasha

9. Ghost In The Shell

10. Neon Genesis: Evangelion
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My top 10

1. Cowboy Bebop

2. Samurai Champloo

3. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

4. Death Note

5. Dragonball Z


7. Naruto

8. Inuyasha

9. Ghost In The Shell

10. Neon Genesis: Evangelion
An excellent list the only ones that I don't watch is#7and#5 and#7 I can't tell you why but I've have not been able to make it through it and dragon Ball what can I say about that besides I cannot handle all the screaming ha ha ha ha thanks for sharing
I’ll confess, I’ve never even tried to watch Naruto or DBZ or Yu Gi O…I remember my godkids watching those in the background after they wore out Voltron. Great list, though! Thanks for sharing it.

I’m in a better position to put together a top 10 now: I’ve been taking in 1-2 series every 1-3 days, I’ve watched more in the last month than I did in the previous year, more in the last year than I had in the last five years. At this point, the hardest thing is remembering all the ones I’ve watched…I’m beginning to understand why otaku keep lists.

Sword Art Online (to date) (but you knew that)
Aquarion /Aquarion Evol
The Grisaia sequence
Last Hope
Elfen Lied
Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny-Girl Senpai
Saekano - How to Make a Boring Girlfriend

Paranoia Agent

This list is NOT sorted, but it is semi-sequential…this is kind of the curve my watching has taken. Subject to memory refreshment & the odd nature of my attention span. Paranoia Agent gets called out instead of early favorites like Princess Mononoke & Captain Harlock, I think it deserves special attention.

I struggled to watch PA for years - I could only get so far. It was creepy. I watched other stuff, came back to it (lather, rinse, repeat). Sometime in this last year, I remembered it, dug it out, finally watched to the end, and mind was blown. It was the first that showed me what could - what WAS being done with anime storytelling, and what kind of stories WERE BEING told…and it completely changed the kind of anime I watch. No groundbreaking graphics or design, no real fights, no love story, very ordinary animation and character design: it’s ALL in the story (and the characters, but mostly the story and the overall effect). And for me it’s been all about the story - and what I come away feeling & thinking about - ever since. It showed me that “anime” is truly a serious form of art and expression. It got my attention in a way a few great movies and books have. It’s on my rewatch list.

A little embarrassing that I haven’t thought to suggest it before now, but of all the ones I’ve seen, this is the one more people should see. Again, a beautiful weekend to each of you - may you all be around happy, open-hearted people who like you!

Cowboy BeBop and Samurai Champloo are both amazing, GitS was stunningly beautiful in theater, but IMO doesn’t hold up as well on the small screen. The larger story (SAC, etc) I like better, I think.

Inuyasha has got pretty strong recommendations but for some reason I resist watching it. Maybe it’s the older style animation, the elongated faces. I’m sure I’ll get around to it if there’s enough time.
I’ll confess, I’ve never even tried to watch Naruto or DBZ or Yu Gi O…I remember my godkids watching those in the background after they wore out Voltron. Great list, though! Thanks for sharing it.

I’m in a better position to put together a top 10 now: I’ve been taking in 1-2 series every 1-3 days, I’ve watched more in the last month than I did in the previous year, more in the last year than I had in the last five years. At this point, the hardest thing is remembering all the ones I’ve watched…I’m beginning to understand why otaku keep lists.

Sword Art Online (to date) (but you knew that)
Aquarion /Aquarion Evol
The Grisaia sequence
Last Hope
Elfen Lied
Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny-Girl Senpai
Saekano - How to Make a Boring Girlfriend

Paranoia Agent

This list is NOT sorted, but it is semi-sequential…this is kind of the curve my watching has taken. Subject to memory refreshment & the odd nature of my attention span. Paranoia Agent gets called out instead of early favorites like Princess Mononoke & Captain Harlock, I think it deserves special attention.

I struggled to watch PA for years - I could only get so far. It was creepy. I watched other stuff, came back to it (lather, rinse, repeat). Sometime in this last year, I remembered it, dug it out, finally watched to the end, and mind was blown. It was the first that showed me what could - what WAS being done with anime storytelling, and what kind of stories WERE BEING told…and it completely changed the kind of anime I watch. No groundbreaking graphics or design, no real fights, no love story, very ordinary animation and character design: it’s ALL in the story (and the characters, but mostly the story and the overall effect). And for me it’s been all about the story - and what I come away feeling & thinking about - ever since. It showed me that “anime” is truly a serious form of art and expression. It got my attention in a way a few great movies and books have. It’s on my rewatch list.

A little embarrassing that I haven’t thought to suggest it before now, but of all the ones I’ve seen, this is the one more people should see. Again, a beautiful weekend to each of you - may you all be around happy, open-hearted people who like you!

Cowboy BeBop and Samurai Champloo are both amazing, GitS was stunningly beautiful in theater, but IMO doesn’t hold up as well on the small screen. The larger story (SAC, etc) I like better, I think.

Inuyasha has got pretty strong recommendations but for some reason I resist watching it. Maybe it’s the older style animation, the elongated faces. I’m sure I’ll get around to it if there’s enough time.
That's awesome and I forgotten about one of my favorites BIG O if you like robots and a detective type story great one to watch and hopefully All had a great weekend16211864278501792811490.jpgmay the grinder never stop
Lucky strike, Jeff - Big O found and added. Never really been into mobile-suit / transform-a-bots & such, but I’ll def watch it! Hope your day’s off to a good start, y’all…
Got to agree, man…not crazy about all their originals but some of them have been excellent. Last Hope, Knights of Sidonia, Pacific Rim are all pretty good to great. Last Hope I like particularly well. Single season, well-told and complete. Unlike a lot of stories, I remember it pretty clearly after 100+ shows intervening.

So you liked Demon Slayer OK? I’ve heard mixed reviews. I know they’ve done other ‘exclusives’ I enjoyed, but they’re not leaping to mind RN.
Got to agree, man…not crazy about all their originals but some of them have been excellent. Last Hope, Knights of Sidonia, Pacific Rim are all pretty good to great. Last Hope I like particularly well. Single season, well-told and complete. Unlike a lot of stories, I remember it pretty clearly after 100+ shows intervening.

So you liked Demon Slayer OK? I’ve heard mixed reviews. I know they’ve done other ‘exclusives’ I enjoyed, but they’re not leaping to mind RN.
I think I'm like 6 episodes and yes I'll say I like it