Jack Herer vs Light of Jah


Oracle of Hallucinogens
heyy everyone, I just wanted a little survey.

Simple: Out of the two strains (Jack Herer and Light of Jah) which do you guys prefer?

I've had both now and I'm having a tough decision on picking my favorite (besides the JH was about $10 cheaper lol)... so if you've tried both, you should definitely pipe in which one you liked more and why!

You first.

List the effects of each, what kind of high you got, please. In detail and in Idyll verse. Please.



So here's what I found out (before I get reamed on). Light of Jah has the same lineage as Jack Herer, except sensi's skunk is not used, and it is not bred by sensi.. but are essentially the same plant give or take a little bit.

The Light of Jah:
Very sativa like high, uppy, extremely energetic, euphoria. The high seems to last forever! The first time all my friends tried it, we all noticed the high lasts two to three times that of average weed (no it's not laced, it's locally grown here once a year). The high is a functional high, even though you're fucked out of your goard you can pull off being sober (parents, friends, cops, etc.) When the high wares off it leaves a plesant feeling behind and doesn't leave you drained at all.

Jack Herer:
Supposed to be sativa, partially hits like one. It does feel similar to other sativas I have had, but it's so goddamned strong that you have to be a weed eating machine (or smoking in this case) to withstand the wrath of Herer. The high leaves you feeling beyond retarded and almost impossible to do any normal functions (unless you include drooling, laughing, and looking like a zombie with eyes the color of satans dick normal). The high can still be present even after a night's sleep, and I can not emphasize just how strong this strain really is.

Both Herer and Jah have a plesant aroma, similar to sweet flowers. The taste oh Jah I find a little more sweet, and Herer I find a little more peppery. Both hit rather smooth, but it kind of fools you into taking an ungodly monsterous rip and resulting in mental retardation and an extreme high. lol

^ I feel that is an accurate comparison/description
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that light of jah sounds like a modern jack herer in terms of an up and coming classic. i have never heard of it, but it is nice to bring out the contemporary. that is if it is even a contemporary strain. if you dont live in ny or ca and dont have an exuberant amount of flow.....you dont hear about too many contemporary up and coming strains. if you do get the pleasure of getting a strain.......it would typically be a reliable and safe classic such as afgani or jack or ak or something, not that there is anything wrong with those.......but i get a kick out of titles i haven't heard of before. sometimes i don't like what the magazine's push either cause it is still big business. once a seed co. goes mainstream i would have to save up for a month to be able to afford a 5 pack. ya feel me!

sometimes you need to take things in your own hands and diversify people's minds/tastes. so thanks for the great insight shepj.
I want JAH. It sounds super, looks great. Look around at it

Anyone know a seedbank with Light of Jah please ? preferably in the UK
"The high leaves you feeling beyond retarded and almost impossible to do any normal functions (unless you include drooling, laughing, and looking like a zombie with eyes the color of satans dick normal)."

Jah is simply another breeder's take on Jack Herer.


Try Sannie's Jack

Really.. thanks ! so its a pheno or 1 or 2 different pheno parents ? nice either way ! would love to hear more (and would save the information for future reference)

I see Greenhouse seeds has Jack Herer and already bookmarked it !

Places are getting ready to sell Cinderella 99 from Female Seeds. Yay ! any opinion ? Widowrella looked interesting too

And in High Times I read that Arjan got.. either NYC Diesel.. or NY Sour Diesel (cant remember which!! someone?) from "the best grower" and will make it available soon ! other nice new ones showing up there too

Good times..
heyy everyone, I just wanted a little survey.

Simple: Out of the two strains (Jack Herer and Light of Jah) which do you guys prefer?

I've had both now and I'm having a tough decision on picking my favorite (besides the JH was about $10 cheaper lol)... so if you've tried both, you should definitely pipe in which one you liked more and why!


Okay my second season of Light (LOVE IT!!) First season growing Jack (still in ground). Grew them both from seed outdoor. Light is just being harvested and it is a monster!!!! Jack is still in ground. I have to say they grow COMPLETELY different! Light is the best I have came across in years:) Still out on Jack I will keep you posted!
Jah is simply another breeder's take on Jack Herer.


Try Sannie's Jack
I just purchased Light of Jah at AMS Seeds. In their description of the strain, it is spoken of as if it is the same as Jack Herer. I am currently growing both for my own knowledge.
I just purchased Light of Jah at AMS Seeds. In their description of the strain, it is spoken of as if it is the same as Jack Herer. I am currently growing both for my own knowledge.

Hi doc, be interested in what your conclusion is on Jack vs Jah
Sameting ?