Plants flowering WAY too early. Needed to top. Not sure if topping was enough.


New Member
The last few years have been a total bust. Almost no seeds have survived and the one plant that did only grew about 15cm (4-5 inches?). I wanted to grow some different strains with different amounts of THC and CBD. This year again, most seeds didn't survive despite the fact that I even bought a small greenhouse and everything.

Now I'm no stranger to plants since I'm a trained gardener. But I'm a little overwhelmed with these little fellas.

The plants I've been growing are nowhere the size to grow buds. I'm not using any lamps, since they are supposed to go outside any day now. I've watched a whole bunch of videos on the topic and they say to top them off and get them back into veg. But all plants besides one seem to not only have buds at the top, but right where it's supposed to grow out to the sides.

Any suggestions what I should do?

Here are some pictures of the plants. I'm thinking that I need to cut them even lower to where they don't have buds yet, but I fear I'll just cripple the plants when I don't have the means to bring them back into veg, since I am relying heavily on sunlight.







Any help you can give me is extremely appreciated. I've been using weed for my migraines and would really like to experiment with some other strains. I honestly don't know how to feel about the possibility of having invested so much more money this year than in previous ones and ending up emptyhanded again.
"last few years have been a total bust. Almost no seeds have survived"
"the one plant that did only grew about 15cm (4-5 inches?). "
"This year again, most seeds didn't survive despite the fact that I even bought a small greenhouse and everything."
"Now I'm no stranger to plants since I'm a trained gardener. But I'm a little overwhelmed with these little fellas."

People will need to know if they are auto flower or photo period. Either way they needed more light. If they are auto flower my advise would be to scrap them.
A trained gardener should be able to pop seeds and understand light requirements.
Invest in a decent light to start your flowers indoors and also make sure your seeds are fresh,under 3yrs,less if not stored properly and they make sure they are from reputable sources
Don't do anything else to the plants. And don't worry about the flowers that are showing. Do, get them some extra light that runs above them 24/7. At this point it will not take a lot of extra light. Just enough so they don't flower, unless they are autos.

What types of seed did you get this time around? Were they photos or were they autos? And where did you get them from?

They need bigger pots with a better growth medium. So you need to go get them a good soil with plenty of aeration and some much larger pots.

Try not to over think anything, give the plants a good place to grow and they will. Don't try to force feed them a bunch of the latest and greatest commercial fertilizer. Just let them grow in a good organic soil and watch them grow. You can learn a lot doing just this... Then after you get to know the plants and all of their tells a little better you can more successfully branch out into different growing techniques.
Good luck friend!
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The last few years have been a total bust. Almost no seeds have survived and the one plant that did only grew about 15cm (4-5 inches?). I wanted to grow some different strains with different amounts of THC and CBD. This year again, most seeds didn't survive despite the fact that I even bought a small greenhouse and everything.

Now I'm no stranger to plants since I'm a trained gardener. But I'm a little overwhelmed with these little fellas.

The plants I've been growing are nowhere the size to grow buds. I'm not using any lamps, since they are supposed to go outside any day now. I've watched a whole bunch of videos on the topic and they say to top them off and get them back into veg. But all plants besides one seem to not only have buds at the top, but right where it's supposed to grow out to the sides.

Any suggestions what I should do?

Here are some pictures of the plants. I'm thinking that I need to cut them even lower to where they don't have buds yet, but I fear I'll just cripple the plants when I don't have the means to bring them back into veg, since I am relying heavily on sunlight.







Any help you can give me is extremely appreciated. I've been using weed for my migraines and would really like to experiment with some other strains. I honestly don't know how to feel about the possibility of having invested so much more money this year than in previous ones and ending up emptyhanded again.
Weeds are weeds, light loving weeds, lm at 43 degrees lattitude and have seedlings come up in pots outside in march or early april. They need uv rays when young! Not warmth from space heaters or furnace. Once ground thaws they come up. Maybe sew seeds in fall and youll have better luck. Am gardener too.