I don't think it was entirely the nutrients causing me to have bad results, my light wasn't the best either, so iv upgraded that too, was on a shitty unbranded 600w led, using a spider farmer 1000 now, I do think this effected my yields a lot, there are a lot of things I'm changing aswell as nutrients, also, the last plant I pulled down, I dug the roots out of the soil to see if there were any problems, and there were, I started that one in jiffys, and transplanted whilst still in the jiffy to its new pot, so when I dug the roots out of that grow, there were literally only two roots that had grown through the jiffy, it hadn't even broken down, not in the slightest, it was in tact, in one piece, and very much restricting root growth, will not be using jiffys again, ever!! I'm quite confident for my next one with all my upgrades, I will be using advanced nutrients base feed, and they're big bud, and couple of other bits from them, I still have a plant up from my last one, that's still being fed only base nutrients from shogun, the buds are growing reaaaal slow, its only got just under 3 weeks left so I'm hoping she's gonna fatten up in that time, I'll let u know how she looks when I chop her, but I'm almost certain she's gonna be a small yield. Thanks again for your advice mate