Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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Other than a slightly sore shoulder that got the vaccine injection I had zero side effects from the shot. I was never worried anyway.

One of the guys that gets his starts from me every year drove out and got his the other day. I asked him if he had gotten the vaccine and he said no. I asked him why and he said "I've heard some bad things". When pressed on what those bad things were his reply was just "I've just heard some really bad things". He's a hermit off the grid type and runs in those circles of people that spread falsehoods based on ignorance. He's a really nice guy and with his health issues he'd die from Covid. It's too bad that so much misinformation is keeping many of those that are most susceptible to the virus from getting vaccinated.
Other than a slightly sore shoulder that got the vaccine injection I had zero side effects from the shot. I was never worried anyway.

One of the guys that gets his starts from me every year drove out and got his the other day. I asked him if he had gotten the vaccine and he said no. I asked him why and he said "I've heard some bad things". When pressed on what those bad things were his reply was just "I've just heard some really bad things". He's a hermit off the grid type and runs in those circles of people that spread falsehoods based on ignorance. He's a really nice guy and with his health issues he'd die from Covid. It's too bad that so much misinformation is keeping many of those that are most susceptible to the virus from getting vaccinated.

it's nice that you talked this guy off the ledge..you may have saved his life.

you expected nothing; gave more; the universe will reward you in some way for changing the potential direction of this mans life.
it's nice that you talked this guy off the ledge..you may have saved his life.

you expected nothing; gave more; the universe will reward you in some way for changing the potential direction of this mans life.

I didn't talk him off of any ledge. He left with no intention of getting the vaccine. In fact he refused to wear a mask even though I have a bunch to give out if someone comes over and doesn't have one. I made him go through the side gate into the backyard. He thinks the whole thing is made up and that the vaccine is likely some government plot. He believes the Chemtrail conspiracy nonsense as well.

He's still a good friend. I just avoid talking about all the nonsense he believes. He's too old to change. He's never even owned a cell phone because he thinks they can be used for mind control or some other nonsense. He might be deluded but if a tree fell on my house in a windstorm he'd be the first one to show up with a chainsaw to help. So I just ignore all the nonsense. I do wish I could get him to get vaccinated but I didn't even bother trying because it isn't going to happen. Some people just won't.
My wife is having a terrible time finding decent accountants. She's hurled 90,000 per year at them and can't hire them.

You in denver...?

Idk, competition is still rather fierce for good jobs in my location. Wages haven't kept up with the rise in housing costs, I don't know how anyone could make it here working retail minimum wage type jobs (bartending/waiting tables was alright pre-covid).
You in denver...?

Idk, competition is still rather fierce for good jobs in my location. Wages haven't kept up with the rise in housing costs, I don't know how anyone could make it here working retail minimum wage type jobs (bartending/waiting tables was alright pre-covid).
I looked into what some of the staff at the hospital I worked at make when we were deciding on what union to join (our government forced us to limit the number of unions representing the workers). A clerk that manage a dialysis area was making about 37k a year. I have no idea how you can do more than just get by on that.
I didn't talk him off of any ledge. He left with no intention of getting the vaccine. In fact he refused to wear a mask even though I have a bunch to give out if someone comes over and doesn't have one. I made him go through the side gate into the backyard. He thinks the whole thing is made up and that the vaccine is likely some government plot. He believes the Chemtrail conspiracy nonsense as well.

He's still a good friend. I just avoid talking about all the nonsense he believes. He's too old to change. He's never even owned a cell phone because he thinks they can be used for mind control or some other nonsense. He might be deluded but if a tree fell on my house in a windstorm he'd be the first one to show up with a chainsaw to help. So I just ignore all the nonsense. I do wish I could get him to get vaccinated but I didn't even bother trying because it isn't going to happen. Some people just won't.

i'm sorry i thought you said he got the vaccine after talking to him.

in other parts of the world i was taking my dog for his morning walk when some cunt in a white extended cab 4x4 who shouted out of her truck all the way..'i'm so scared..there's a virus ooooooooooh i might catch it..come here i already have not wearing a mask and i will give it to you...cough..cough.'

how Trumpian to call someone out as you're running away..why don't you put your truck in park and say it to my face? rhetorical. we all know why.

i remember details well and live here right where she was parked :mrgreen: i need to go back to my war hat- the crocheted pink pussy hat- schuylaars gearing up it's against the law to yell and heckle people in Colorado. it's domestic violence..when a stranger does it? assault..just like flipping off someone's MAGA hat..it works both ways.

war is coming.
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i'm sorry i thought you said he got the vaccine after talking to him.

in other parts of the world i was taking my dog for his morning walk when some cunt in a white extended cab 4x4 who shouted out of her truck all the way..'i'm so scared..there's a virus ooooooooooh i might catch it..come here i already have not wearing a mask and i will give it to you...cough..cough.'

i remember details well and live here right where she was parked :mrgreen:

Some people just suck.
COVID case numbers jump in Winkler
Unmasked 'hardliners' regularly protest public-health orders, community's vaccination rate among lowest in province

Was 15-20 a day, jumped to 100. This is in the bible belt area here. Some are determined to never wear a mask as it would be a sign of submission (according to the paper, online the story is behind a pay wall. I subscribe but it doesn't help others.) Another article has the Health Minister saying ICU capacity can increase to 170 with more equipment and staff being brought online. We have about 70 in ICU right now.
COVID case numbers jump in Winkler
Unmasked 'hardliners' regularly protest public-health orders, community's vaccination rate among lowest in province

Was 15-20 a day, jumped to 100. This is in the bible belt area here. Some are determined to never wear a mask as it would be a sign of submission (according to the paper, online the story is behind a pay wall. I subscribe but it doesn't help others.) Another article has the Health Minister saying ICU capacity can increase to 170 with more equipment and staff being brought online. We have about 70 in ICU right now.
Christians my ass and I'd make it a point of telling them. I'd even put a sign on my fucking lawn, CHRISTIANS WEAR MASKS, FAKE CHRISTIANS DON'T! I'd call the local TV station and say, want a story? Then I'd keep a camera on it and charge/sue anybody who fucked with the sign.

Perhaps get some Tee shirts make up that say "REAL CHRISTIANS WEAR MASKS". I'll bet they would sell very well locally, plenty of other people recognize hypocrisy when they see it.
i'm sorry i thought you said he got the vaccine after talking to him.

in other parts of the world i was taking my dog for his morning walk when some cunt in a white extended cab 4x4 who shouted out of her truck all the way..'i'm so scared..there's a virus ooooooooooh i might catch it..come here i already have not wearing a mask and i will give it to you...cough..cough.'

i remember details well and live here right where she was parked :mrgreen: i need to go back to my war hat- the crochted pink pussy hat- schuylaars gearing up it's against the law to yell and heckle people in Colorado. it's domestic violence..when a stranger does it? assault..just like flipping off someone's MAGA hat..it works both ways.

war is coming.

Harbor freight has good deals on machetes. Might as well get a handful.
i'm sorry i thought you said he got the vaccine after talking to him.

in other parts of the world i was taking my dog for his morning walk when some cunt in a white extended cab 4x4 who shouted out of her truck all the way..'i'm so scared..there's a virus ooooooooooh i might catch it..come here i already have not wearing a mask and i will give it to you...cough..cough.'

i remember details well and live here right where she was parked :mrgreen: i need to go back to my war hat- the crochted pink pussy hat- schuylaars gearing up it's against the law to yell and heckle people in Colorado. it's domestic violence..when a stranger does it? assault..just like flipping off someone's MAGA hat..it works both ways.

war is coming.
Buy a big peel and stick sign that says, "WEAR A MASK ASSHOLE!" and put it on her windshield right in front of the driver's side. You can also buy a letter or legal size sheets of self adhesive paper and print your own sign to stick on the windshield, has to be scrapped off.
i'm sorry i thought you said he got the vaccine after talking to him.

in other parts of the world i was taking my dog for his morning walk when some cunt in a white extended cab 4x4 who shouted out of her truck all the way..'i'm so scared..there's a virus ooooooooooh i might catch it..come here i already have not wearing a mask and i will give it to you...cough..cough.'

i remember details well and live here right where she was parked :mrgreen: i need to go back to my war hat- the crochted pink pussy hat- schuylaars gearing up it's against the law to yell and heckle people in Colorado. it's domestic violence..when a stranger does it? assault..just like flipping off someone's MAGA hat..it works both ways.

war is coming.
Or you can be subtle and print up or buy some TRUMP IS AN ASSHOLE bumper stickers and apply them.
Some people just suck.


but i've noticed them actively seeking altercation the past few weeks.

i'm glad my mask (and sense of freedom) bothers them- the pink (and what it stands for) hat will push them over the edge.

my mask, sunglasses and hoodie makes for a perfect pop-up on demand deprivation tank..i'm never giving my mask up.
Buy a big peel and stick sign that says, "WEAR A MASK ASSHOLE!" and put it on her windshield right in front of the driver's side. You can also buy a letter or legal size sheets of self adhesive paper and print your own sign to stick on the windshield, has to be scrapped off.

i wonder where they get the stickers for when they boot your tire? you cannot get those orange stickers off it's got extra heavy duty adhesive.
i'm sorry i thought you said he got the vaccine after talking to him.

in other parts of the world i was taking my dog for his morning walk when some cunt in a white extended cab 4x4 who shouted out of her truck all the way..'i'm so scared..there's a virus ooooooooooh i might catch it..come here i already have not wearing a mask and i will give it to you...cough..cough.'

i remember details well and live here right where she was parked :mrgreen: i need to go back to my war hat- the crocheted pink pussy hat- schuylaars gearing up it's against the law to yell and heckle people in Colorado. it's domestic violence..when a stranger does it? assault..just like flipping off someone's MAGA hat..it works both ways.

war is coming.
NOW you need the silly string.

Timing is everything.
Christians my ass and I'd make it a point of telling them. I'd even put a sign on my fucking lawn, CHRISTIANS WEAR MASKS, FAKE CHRISTIANS DON'T! I'd call the local TV station and say, want a story? Then I'd keep a camera on it and charge/sue anybody who fucked with the sign.

Perhaps get some Tee shirts make up that say "REAL CHRISTIANS WEAR MASKS". I'll bet they would sell very well locally, plenty of other people recognize hypocrisy when they see it.

but you see what they are..they can't allow people to live their own lives; they want you to live their life, their rules, their freedoms- well maybe i don't want to..so now what..mask shaming; heckling..maybe they'll start to travel in groups carrying rope and attack the single mask wearer. maybe they'll lynch you up right there or tie you to the back of their F150 and drag you around town a bit before the lynch.

the mask has become the proud black man, the old Asian women, the Mexican child, the Muslim and anyone or anything different from them.

now it's a piece of material that gives them the sadz.