I spoke to seedjunky about lit farms at the recent drop, he said Lit farms isn’t using his jealousy cut its lit farms cut that they probably found from their own pack of sherb x gelato 41. he did say that there should still be some good keepers in the lit packs but still isn’t the real jealousy pheno. Personally I wouldn’t buy from pack bandits he’s so called Vault drops are a bit high priced and if you look around you can still find a lot of his vault at retail price. I saw the temptation pack like 3 weeks ago on sale for $160 I still didn’t pick it up as I already have “Love” and a shit ton of ice cream cake crosses. All In all pack bandits is a good seed bank and have awesome drops. Except the vault drops are not my cup of seeds. Everyone remember these are just seeds so If we miss out on some there will always be something better or more in the future.