Auto AK47, slow flowering, weird stuff - thinking of abandoning autoflowers!


Heyo guys, I'm on beginning of 6th week (from seed) with these two Auto AK47's from Bulk seeds.

Lamp: HPS
Distance: cca 35 cm
Usual temp: around 27C
Humidity: Around 40-50
Pot: 18 L

My beef is that obviously even tho they were put in ground the same day, they are obviously weeks apart in progress.
Second, the buds seem so small right? Especially for plant that does not show any signs of the problems (to me plant looks healthy, I don't see any sign of heat stress).

Now, I wonder, if my friend who is growing for 20+ years is saying me: "Hey, fuck those autoflowers" is actually right?

What could be the problem here? Only thing I could point out is that I don't have any ventilation but my grow box is not that hot, and whenever I feel like it is I open up the doors.

It just goes on my nerves cause plants started really good, they look bulky, they didn't elongate and leaf color n stuff looks good to my NEWBIE eye.

Thanks guys.



Well-Known Member
Your friend is wrong. If he can't grow autoflowers after 20 years of growing then it's a grower issue. People love to blame anything but themselves for lack of performance.

As far as your plants. Each seed will be a different pheno. They will react differently depending on their environment and feeding. Speaking of feeding, what are you feeding them. They look slightly overfed as you can see with the tip burn and super dark green leaves.

Dank Bongula

Well-Known Member
If no ventilation, leave those doors open a don't need to worry about complete darkness with an look big homie up there said, phenos are different and then on top of that, environments can have effects as well. Plant look good so far. Keep doing what you're doing.


Well guys, they are on 24 hr light regime, maybe I should try something like 18/6?

Yo, twenty eight - I'm feeding them with Plagron Bloom right now, every second watering.

And yeah, my friend loves to blame seeds and pheno =D


What EC/ppm? I'm assuming you're in soil since you are alternating feeds.

If you are over max DLI then a dark period would be beneficial.
Sadly, I don't have instrument to measure EC etc. I'm a newb, and I plan to invest. But right now it is what it is.

What is DLI?

Thanks u guys.

Billy the Mountain

Well-Known Member
As mentioned, you need ventilation. Looks like a fairly small volume of air. The CO2 would be depleted fairly quickly without a means to replace it; that will slow growth dramatically.

Plants look healthy, just give 'em some fresh air

Frank Nitty

Well-Known Member
This is an ak47 auto that I just chopped after 90+ days... Let it go and stop listening to haters of autos because they can't grow one,or anything else for that matter...20210503_094256.jpg20210506_143853.jpg20210428_055812.jpg20210506_143818.jpg
Heyo guys, I'm on beginning of 6th week (from seed) with these two Auto AK47's from Bulk seeds.

Lamp: HPS
Distance: cca 35 cm
Usual temp: around 27C
Humidity: Around 40-50
Pot: 18 L

My beef is that obviously even tho they were put in ground the same day, they are obviously weeks apart in progress.
Second, the buds seem so small right? Especially for plant that does not show any signs of the problems (to me plant looks healthy, I don't see any sign of heat stress).

Now, I wonder, if my friend who is growing for 20+ years is saying me: "Hey, fuck those autoflowers" is actually right?

What could be the problem here? Only thing I could point out is that I don't have any ventilation but my grow box is not that hot, and whenever I feel like it is I open up the doors.

It just goes on my nerves cause plants started really good, they look bulky, they didn't elongate and leaf color n stuff looks good to my NEWBIE eye.

Thanks guys.
I’m new too so I don’t know much especially about soil because I use coco but it’s really all about trial and error the really only decent advice I can give for now is maybe u coulda lollipopped and trimmed a little more to give u more energy to places that u would of liked




Well-Known Member
Sadly, I don't have instrument to measure EC etc. I'm a newb, and I plan to invest. But right now it is what it is.

What is DLI?

Thanks u guys.
DLI is Daily Light Intergral. Simply put it's the amount of light a plant receives in a day.

”Daily light integral (DLI) describes the number of photosynthetically active photons (individual particles of light in the 400-700 nm range) that are delivered to a specific area (1m2) over a 24-hour period."


Plants can only use so much light in a day. Intense light will deliver it in a shorter period of time. Less intense light will take longer to reach the same amount of light. So if you have intense light you may exceed the plants maximum DLI causing light stress to the plant.

I think the majority of autoflower growers run either 18/6 or 20/4 light schedules. You save a bit on electricity while still having healthy plants. There have been comparison tests between these light schedules and the gains with 24/0 don't justify the extra costs associated with it.

Frank Nitty

Well-Known Member
DLI is Daily Light Intergral. Simply put it's the amount of light a plant receives in a day.

”Daily light integral (DLI) describes the number of photosynthetically active photons (individual particles of light in the 400-700 nm range) that are delivered to a specific area (1m2) over a 24-hour period."


Plants can only use so much light in a day. Intense light will deliver it in a shorter period of time. Less intense light will take longer to reach the same amount of light. So if you have intense light you may exceed the plants maximum DLI causing light stress to the plant.

I think the majority of autoflower growers run either 18/6 or 20/4 light schedules. You save a bit on electricity while still having healthy plants. There have been comparison tests between these light schedules and the gains with 24/0 don't justify the extra costs associated with it.
I like to play with the light schedule, but 20/4 or 18/6 are my domain for real