4 weeks in vegetative, should I flower

Hello Guys! I am in my second grow using LED, around 180 watts plus one 13w UVB reptile lamp.
This time I chose to grow 1 Hindu Kush and 2 Blue Dream. I really happy with my ladies! They are growing healthy and fast.

Take a look at them in a recent picture, they are 3 weeks and 4 days in veg.

However, they are starting to become wide and kind of bushy and my grow space is not big in area. It has around 3 square feet and 49 feet height. According to some sources it is considered a Sea of Green (~1 plant per square feet), and the veg period might be around 4-6 weeks.
I was expecting to veg them for 6 weeks, but it seems they will start to "compete" for space in the grow soon.

Do you think they are mature enough to flower in a couple of days? Should I change the light cycle as soon as they complete 4 weeks of veg? Or should I wait more to get better yields?

Here it is a picture of them in the grow:

go go kid

Well-Known Member
youve got enough space in there to flower them off. i would concider pruning the tops out to get more heads growing, that way you increase your harvest and it gives you a chance to do some lsting of them

Roy O'Bannon

Well-Known Member
They will get much taller when you flip.
Better get them on the lower shelf and get the net filled out like you want. Haven't scrogged yet, but that's what I understand.
You don't have room to play with.


Well-Known Member
Yeah good rule of thumb is to expect your plants to double in size when you flip the lights, not always but allot of the time this is the case. I cant really tell with the pics but i always like to atleast get my plant to maturity to where they are showing they're sex before i flip them, as safety really. If you know they are females you can flip them, gunna have to lower that shelf. Also if you can employ some training techniques next time (as it may be too late if your branches are too rigid) try some LST to widen your canopy out and get more out of your space. Cheers and good luck


Well-Known Member
Trim them to your desired looks. Bend them and tie down cut off a few big fan leaves Thats what I would do and veg for another week to have the new growth nodes come in
Thanks for the quick answer guys!
I will wait for one more week to flip the light for flowering. The seeds are feminized, bought it in NirvanaShop.
I toped one of the Blue Dreams and just tried to start a LST in the Hindu Kush.
Take a look at how I did it @ntg908 , I pulled the main branch using a wire and passed all the secondary branches for the enlightened side.
I hope I did it right. hahaha. Now I have to pull it a little bit more in the next days, right?
What do you think? Should I keep it?
WhatsApp Image 2021-05-23 at 17.56.59.jpeg
Thank everyone again for the opinions.
I smoked a joint and started to manipulated the plants. managing all the branches with the objective to optimize the light over the all the tops. I guess it was a first lesson of training the plants. Awesome!


Well-Known Member
Great! Now those two giant fan leaves, you could tuck down and allow the baby leaves to get the light. It’s good to keep some leaves for if things start to go bad the leaves are like resource stores.


Well-Known Member
Great! Now those two giant fan leaves, you could tuck down and allow the baby leaves to get the light. It’s good to keep some leaves for if things start to go bad the leaves are like resource stores.
I love this saying, it also helps to identify issues within the plant while potentially reducing harm to good parts of the plant. Look into what I think is called schwazzing. I did that first time this grow, it's pretty effective, but I don't think I cut enough fan leafs off surprisingly hahaha!