Aero to soil ?s


Active Member

My buddy is using an aero cloner and he loves the explosive/ massive root growth.

He wishes to transfer to soil and read that it is best done when roots are 1/2" or shorter to avoid shock....

Now he wants to veg them in the cloner for up to 4 weeks from the cut of the plant, so they get huge root systems before putting them in soil....

Is this a good idea because of the fast growth of aero or would it be better to just stick with convention and transplant at 1/2" or shorter root growth?

Thanks guys


Well-Known Member

My buddy is using an aero cloner and he loves the explosive/ massive root growth.

He wishes to transfer to soil and read that it is best done when roots are 1/2" or shorter to avoid shock....

Now he wants to veg them in the cloner for up to 4 weeks from the cut of the plant, so they get huge root systems before putting them in soil....

Is this a good idea because of the fast growth of aero or would it be better to just stick with convention and transplant at 1/2" or shorter root growth?

Thanks guys
i've made 2 threads already basically asking the same fuckin question and yet no one answers i lie to you not. what i did was wrap the roots in a circular trench(i made with the dirt) and layered it with dirt as i wrapped the roots, the clons are still stagnent but its been 2 days and it might have to do with my lighting idk


Well-Known Member
I would stick with the recommended method. The roots would not grow into the soil if they have already grown out, the soil would just surround them. Plus, its like a complete change of environment, like taking someone who grew up in the desert and moving them to northern canada, it just would shock the shit out of them. I say do it while they're young or don't do it at all. Keep in mind I have no aero experience, just saw no one else was giving you any input.


Well-Known Member
if you goto the growing faq it says the root should be short to prevent stunting, i dont really care if the plants are stunted as long as they're alive lol. plus im not in any rush to make these plants big for the next 5 weeks anyway


Well-Known Member
Why go back to soil at all? I don't get it. You would rather have a stunted, barely living plant vs a plant with explosive root growth?


Active Member
Well what about totally vegginging plants in aero and then transplanting to soil for flower? Anyone tried?


Well-Known Member
If you get no answers to your question, then maybe one possible reason is that no-one has tried it. And if no-one on a board this busy has tried something, well, maybe there's a reason for that.

I haven't tried to switch a plant from hydro to soil or vice-versa so what I have to say is pure speculation, but I don't think there's any way you would be able to do it without huge trauma to the plant which at a minimum will stunt the growth for several weeks. Much better to root the clone in rock wool or a rapid rooter plug if you plan to grow in soil.


Well-Known Member
Why go back to soil at all? I don't get it. You would rather have a stunted, barely living plant vs a plant with explosive root growth?
well the reason i had to go soil is because i bought clones aeroponically grown and don't have a aeroponic system


Active Member
Lack of information is never a sign that you shouldnt do something its a sign that you should...


Active Member
Okay guys, cant help you with weed in particular but I do have first hand experience in putting hydroponically grown garlic into soil.

Roots were about 8-12" long each.

I threw that baby in the soil and waited. At first the original vegetation looked like it was going to still grow, but after a few days it started to sag and fall towards the ground.

All of a sudden though, it has new shoots sprouting up and growing almost as fast as the hydroponic system had grown them.

All in all, there is a chance it will survive, but it will for sure be stunted and might possibly die.


Well-Known Member
yah those are clones though, still young, a couple more weeks in that DWC unit and the roots structure of those plants would be three times as big, and three times as hard to transplant to soil...


Well-Known Member
yah those are clones though, still young, a couple more weeks in that DWC unit and the roots structure of those plants would be three times as big, and three times as hard to transplant to soil...
regardless of how you transplant a lot of roots the plant will live correct?


Active Member
Great video =)

Still doesnt clear up the debate about stunting root growth and when to transfer...