Plant dying? please help


Active Member
OK here is what is going on with some of my plants:

They have become a darker green color,not the bright green it was
Some tips of levaes are curling up
Some yellow spots on levaes
Some tips of leaves drying up and breaking off
Whole plant is kind of sagging

It has been really dry here latley and my humidity keeps droppoing down to 20%. I keep fighting it off with water dishes and wet rags, but I can't do it wile I am sleeping and in the morning it is back to 20%. Also last week I had a few hours when my fan failed and it it got 90+ for a few hours. (that's when the initial damage was done, but it seams like it is getting worse) I have 5 plants which some seem to be affected more than others. They are under a 400w hps bulb about 20 inches away from the bulb. It all started after that hot spike last week. They also seem to be drinking less water. Soil is dry at top , but when I feel a few inches down it is moist even though I have been watering less.

As you can prolly tell this is my first grow. Any info would be much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Not sure I can help, but I am curious about the dark green thing, I have some clones that became very dark green after they rooted.


Well-Known Member
without pics sounds like over ferted inducing nute burn coupled with the high temps, low humidity and such.
but you need to provide more specifics
nutes, pot size, soil, ph, age, height,


Active Member
Not sure I can help, but I am curious about the dark green thing, I have some clones that became very dark green after they rooted.
it's almost like a dark teal. It is only on 3 out of the 5 plants, but they might be a different strain. I didn't buy seeds just collected some, but the plants all used to be the same color.


Active Member
OK here is some more info:
I use fox farm nuts with every other watering. use RO water.
I think my pots are 1.25 gallon
soil is bio terra plus

The only other thing I can think of is I though I had soem bugs, so I sprayed the plants and soil with Take down garden spray about a week ago.


Well-Known Member
so slight nute burn exasperated by high heat, low humidity. keep your eye on the ph of runnoff b/c that mulch is probably acidic. you can flush em and than cut your nutes back like 30% for now and if still hot raise those lights as well. gotta fix that humidity, will have problems and issues with growth whole way through. may just have to breakdwon adn buy a cheap humidifier-check ebay.


Active Member
buying a humidifier today. Found one on craigslist for $5!

OK will cut back on nutes. I curerently feed every other watering shoudl I make a weaker mix and keep the current schedule? or what is the best way to cut back.

Temps currently range from 76 to 86.


Well-Known Member
with that small pot size would have to keep the same sch just cut the nutes in half. also some fine dolomite lime will help buffer your ph and provide extra calcium and magnesium.
are you watching the run off ph?


Well-Known Member
yes I know but what about the runoff after watering. that cedar mulch could be acidic and causing a major lowering of ph. covering all bases


Active Member
Are those plants all in the same pot? If they are, you need to thin them out. Your going to wind up w/ small plants b/c the roots are fighting for nutrients.

If you're growing outside, then there's not much you can do about the humidity. But you can do something about the heat. Try putting a piece of window screen over the top of the plant so that during the hottest part of the day it won't receive direct sunlight. I'd say hang it about 2-3 feet over the plant. Try and position it in such a way that the light is blocked during the hottest part, and as the sun moves down and the temp cools down, receives direct light again.

If that doesn't work it might be a potassium definency.


Active Member
That's one plant in that pot in the pic. I am growing indoors and I got a humidifier so humuidity should not be an issue. Neither should heat be going forward.

There is no run off from the plant when I water them, so I can't measure it. My frined is using the same soil and he has not had any problems, but he is using different nutes.


Well-Known Member
yo i feelbad homie. my momma plant that was 80 days old just died from this same shit... chek your PH. of your soil. and water....its a mixture of PH, and nute burn. flush the next time you would normally water. the go half strength nutes your using then build back up again. also you should copp some cal/mag just to balance it out....