Howdy bodhi family! I thought the organic guys here may want to have a run at this or possibly run a similar recipe etc already. I learned a similar recipe years ago and have slightly modified it to my liking.
I call this one project fungi.
One heat mat and container of your choice that seals.
-Malted barley - I use about a cup or a tad more. Not sure you can add to much. I top dress barley HEAVY as well during flowering. Help shave 5 to 7 days of flower time. Others have claimed more. Good stuff.
-Neem cake (neem resource or West coast horticulture), who BAS uses. thank me later, it's bad ass stuff of the highest quality. (small handful)
*** I also add neem resource karanja cake with the neem. The choice is yours...(small handfull)
-Kelp meal or your choice of soluble kelp. I use BAS kelp meal I buy 50# at a time. (Small handfull)
- I personally add a couple pinches of BAS crustacean meal. I got 40# may as well use it. Personal thing not necessary.
- compost of the highest quality. Or if you have a worm bin fed compost, barley, neem ect. EVEN BETTER! Use the castings.
(I use enough to fill half or little more than my heavy harvest brew bag). DON'T skimp on quality here. It's important.
- grokashi I sprinkle on top a tad to help accelerate the process and for diversity etc.
Powder the malted barley after adding compost to container of your choice. Blend half in compost. Mix in other ingredients above as well. Sprinkle rest of barley on top. Grokashi if you want but again not necessarily needed of course. Wet down but not drench it. Put lid on but leave a corner popped slightly for air. Or holes etc depending on container. Put on top of seedling heat mat. This is not NEEDED but makes things much quicker. Let it stew roughly 48hrs. As far as time use your judgment. If it's completely covered in mycelium and left edge of container into a block... it's good. I take mine to the bag when the mycelium is very lively and long white strands when it looks healthy.
- earth juice high brix molasses. 15-30ml (5 gallons) this is not necessary but helps. Having said that DONT GO TO HEAVY! bacteria feed heavier on mollasass. If you are going for fungle etc. Don't go overboard here. (Obviously during the brew process)
- brew for 24-48hrs. I have seen 100% straight down to a 25% dilute etc. (Insert your opinion here) I go with 50/50. Or 75/25 if I need to stretch it a bit. I have found weeks 2,4,6,8 during flower a nice schedual. I know many who only do it once or twice and still swear to it's effectiveness. Again your choice.
I hope this helps someone here out. Also plain a good idea if you have a mediocre soil etc. Although I reccomend building a great soil from the start. Latest pics of my beds below as well!