Estacsy-Your opinion if you took it(NOT PLANNING ON DO IT )

I really seriously doubt that....Ecstasy isnt like meth, you need a lot of very expensive laboratory equipment, an experienced chemist, and precursors which are under extreme scrutiny by the DEA. The majority of ecstasy in america comes from huge labs in western europe and the netherlands. Granted there are probably a number of labs operating in the states, but they are usually run by huge criminal enterprises and kept very very secret. So unless youre friend is a high ranking member of the mafia or something like that, than I'd call bullshit on him.

i was thinking about that and honestly who knows, i don't really care. my friend has a series of lies going, but she tells the truth when it comes to business but your right and i didn't take it too seriously i was just sayin. :mrgreen:
those vids are pretty sick, i love glowsticks, and poi and all the pretty lights!

i just started to poi a few months ago. its my new favorite pass time.
yeah vicks in all forms is pretty awesome, not the best advice but i gob a little near the corner of my eyes when i roll. sends you to another planet for a good 10 or 15 while it dries.

also vicks sticks ftw!
alright i gotta know what is the deal with vicks/menthol and time this kid told me to put chapstick on my eyelids and i was like why your fucking retarded and then i see all these posts about it here. what the deal with it, it cant possibly get u fucked up
the way i see it, once your rolling hard, anything can get you fuct up.

its called a blow up.

music, light shows, temperature change, vicks, smoking weed, or ciggs if thats your thing not mine. anything can blow you up, i took my shoes off after a long night of rolling and partying, and it blew my skull off in the best way possible for a couple minutes.

its the menthol in vicks tho, anything mentholated is fantastic when you roll. vicks inhaler was a gift to ravers. you can snort it like your supposed to, or put it in your mouth, and blow through it(around here they call em sea breezes). while doing so, prying somones eyes wide open and dosing the whole eyeball with mentholated air. grab a nitrous balloon from there, and who knows where you will go.

hehe typing that made me excited.
I did E once and it was the pure ingredient mdma and i thought i was going to die at first then the happiness kicked in it was fuckin amazing, girls become total hoes on this stuff... but on the other hand i never did it again i dont like chemicals or want to be hooke don them, the next day i was fuckin retarted I couldnt even speak right speak right
im simply saying if you want to get messed up, do a psychoactive substance, dont try to catch a rush off of a topical mentholated salve
I did E once and it was the pure ingredient mdma and i thought i was going to die at first then the happiness kicked in it was fuckin amazing, girls become total hoes on this stuff... but on the other hand i never did it again i dont like chemicals or want to be hooke don them, the next day i was fuckin retarted I couldnt even speak right speak right

ur right for saying girls are like hoes on it .. horny wee bitch's well my x was when she was on it .. was f#~king outstanding untill abot 3 4 hours later and you still havnt came lol ...

wipeout sex is the best sex
3 words.

best. drug. ever.

ive gone on 7 day x trips, it use to be my drug of choice that i did just about everyday. then i stumbled upon a little lady named mary jane.:joint:

try it out. just dont take to much on your first time or youll die :]
hahahahahaha,yea sounds fun, and safe lol jk. to each his own
im simply saying if you want to get messed up, do a psychoactive substance, dont try to catch a rush off of a topical mentholated salve

it doesnt give you a rush, really, its just feels trippy. When youre rolling youre sense of touch is way amplified. Thats why when you go to a rave you see big groups of poeple just laying on the floor massaging each other, and giving lightshows.
[SIZE=+0]the experience(s) were amazing and life changing for me. I find it to be very insightful and mind opening. I also find the ability to open up and speak exactly what is on your mind with no hesitation to be great. however, if you have not already done it I would probably suggest that you do not simply because it can severely alter your mood/ thoughts coming off of the drug and the day after as well. your body will have to build up serotonin to its original level again; which can take up to 3 weeks. [/SIZE]

& on a side note, you never actually know what your ingesting unless you have a pill testing kit which still can not grantee you are taking pure MDMA.

peace :]
After eating a number of pills in my earlier years I've moved on to using molly occasionally. It gets you that "first time I rolled" euphoria all over again. Just be sure and eat your 5-HTP, Vitamin C (before too), and maybe a few extra daily vitamins the next day. It's much better than the meth-balls some people dish out.