I really seriously doubt that....Ecstasy isnt like meth, you need a lot of very expensive laboratory equipment, an experienced chemist, and precursors which are under extreme scrutiny by the DEA. The majority of ecstasy in america comes from huge labs in western europe and the netherlands. Granted there are probably a number of labs operating in the states, but they are usually run by huge criminal enterprises and kept very very secret. So unless youre friend is a high ranking member of the mafia or something like that, than I'd call bullshit on him.
Yeah, Ive been doing it for a couple months now too. I can wait to go to together as one, so I can finally show off my poi skills.i just started to poi a few months ago. its my new favorite pass time.
that sounds stupid.just eat more drugs if you want to get fucked up
I did E once and it was the pure ingredient mdma and i thought i was going to die at first then the happiness kicked in it was fuckin amazing, girls become total hoes on this stuff... but on the other hand i never did it again i dont like chemicals or want to be hooke don them, the next day i was fuckin retarted I couldnt even speak right speak right
hahahahahaha,yea sounds fun, and safe lol jk. to each his own3 words.
best. drug. ever.
ive gone on 7 day x trips, it use to be my drug of choice that i did just about everyday. then i stumbled upon a little lady named mary jane.
try it out. just dont take to much on your first time or youll die :]
im simply saying if you want to get messed up, do a psychoactive substance, dont try to catch a rush off of a topical mentholated salve