Happy thread :)

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i want to get VR but i don't know which starter pack. i was looking at this.

This is first person view, not virtual reality, FPV hooks the goggles up to a TV camera (via a transmitter/receiver), VR hooks you up to a computer. One you use to deal with the reality of flying from inside the drone/plane, the other you play games in a simulated reality. The goggles used for each are different.

FPV is how you fly a drone to make videos like this, shot with a gopro camera and image stabilized, the flying is done with a different FPV camera using FPV goggles.

Trump’s Inner Circle Is Reportedly Soiling Itself at the Likelihood of Criminal Charges, as It Should Be | Vanity Fair


s you‘ve no doubt heard by now, on Tuesday, The Washington Post broke the news that the Manhattan district attorney has convened a grand jury to hear evidence against Donald Trump. According to legal experts, this is a major development in Cyrus Vance Jr.’s criminal investigation; as former assistant district attorney Rebecca Roiphe told the Post, it’s unlikely that Vance’s office would have taken such a step without believing it can prove Trump, the Trump Organization, or a Trump Organization executive committed a crime. “The prosecutors are convinced they have a case,” Roiphe said. “That’s at least how I read it.” As former U.S. attorney Preet Bharara told CNN, “It’s significant…they must have come across some evidence as to somebody’s state of mind. That the misconduct they were investigating does not seem to be the product of negligence or recklessness or mistake but intentional criminality.” And as a result, people surrounding the ex-president are said to be more than a little freaked out, as they probably should be!

According to Politico Playbook, which spoke to members of “Trump world” after the news came out, “There’s definitely a cloud of nerves in the air.” One adviser told the outlet that while Trump is no stranger to legal issues, this situation feels different, in part because prosecutors are pressuring Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg, who’s described himself as Trump’s “eyes and ears” at the company, to flip. “I think the Weisselberg involvement and the wild card of that makes the particular situation more real, because there’s no sort of fluff and made-up fictional circumstances around the guy,” an adviser told Politico. “The fact that they’re dealing with a numbers guy who just has plain details makes people more nervous. This is not a Michael Cohen situation.”

According to Politico legal affairs contributor Josh Gerstein, the grand jury “is expected to go beyond assembling records by hearing live testimony from various witnesses—which will give prosecutors an opportunity to present a narrative that could persuade jurors to return an indictment in the coming months. Coupled with [New York] Attorney General Letitia James’s recent decision to team up with Vance and Vance’s hiring of veteran mafia prosecutor Mark Pomerantz, the move to a new grand jury suggests a steady progression towards criminal charges against some person or company in the Trump orbit.”

Of course, despite the fact that Trump may very well be privately shitting himself over the news, his public response was a typical meltdown and rehashing of things he’s said in the past—namely, that all of this is a “witch hunt” and that he’s a saint beloved the world over. In a statement, he wrote, or more likely dictated to some poor scribe: “This is a continuation of the greatest Witch Hunt in American history. It began the day I came down the escalator in Trump Tower, and it’s never stopped…. This is purely political, and an affront to the almost 75 million voters who supported me in the Presidential Election, and it’s being driven by highly partisan Democrat prosecutors. New York City and State are suffering the highest crime rates in their history, and instead of going after murderers, drug dealers, human traffickers, and others, they come after Donald Trump. Interesting that today a poll came out indicating I’m far in the lead for the Republican Presidential Primary and the General Election in 2024.”

As for Trump’s actual political aspirations, he will undoubtedly tease another White House run until the very last second before making an actual announcement, though aides have claimed to Politico that “he’s missing being president terribly,” and supposedly gets angry when people question if he’s serious about running again. He’s also inserted himself in the 2022 midterm elections, despite the fact that his endorsements are actually the kiss of death. Per Politico:
Yeah Team Trump!

On another note, going through some pictures I cam across some (sorry for the quality, cheap camera back then) of a car I chalked out on the concrete and proceeded to start building. Lose of a job and going back to school put an end to that, many moons ago. Made a 1/5th scale model (wheels out of bondo) and designed around government regulations at the time.

Trump’s Inner Circle Is Reportedly Soiling Itself at the Likelihood of Criminal Charges, as It Should Be | Vanity Fair


s you‘ve no doubt heard by now, on Tuesday, The Washington Post broke the news that the Manhattan district attorney has convened a grand jury to hear evidence against Donald Trump. According to legal experts, this is a major development in Cyrus Vance Jr.’s criminal investigation; as former assistant district attorney Rebecca Roiphe told the Post, it’s unlikely that Vance’s office would have taken such a step without believing it can prove Trump, the Trump Organization, or a Trump Organization executive committed a crime. “The prosecutors are convinced they have a case,” Roiphe said. “That’s at least how I read it.” As former U.S. attorney Preet Bharara told CNN, “It’s significant…they must have come across some evidence as to somebody’s state of mind. That the misconduct they were investigating does not seem to be the product of negligence or recklessness or mistake but intentional criminality.” And as a result, people surrounding the ex-president are said to be more than a little freaked out, as they probably should be!

According to Politico Playbook, which spoke to members of “Trump world” after the news came out, “There’s definitely a cloud of nerves in the air.” One adviser told the outlet that while Trump is no stranger to legal issues, this situation feels different, in part because prosecutors are pressuring Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg, who’s described himself as Trump’s “eyes and ears” at the company, to flip. “I think the Weisselberg involvement and the wild card of that makes the particular situation more real, because there’s no sort of fluff and made-up fictional circumstances around the guy,” an adviser told Politico. “The fact that they’re dealing with a numbers guy who just has plain details makes people more nervous. This is not a Michael Cohen situation.”

According to Politico legal affairs contributor Josh Gerstein, the grand jury “is expected to go beyond assembling records by hearing live testimony from various witnesses—which will give prosecutors an opportunity to present a narrative that could persuade jurors to return an indictment in the coming months. Coupled with [New York] Attorney General Letitia James’s recent decision to team up with Vance and Vance’s hiring of veteran mafia prosecutor Mark Pomerantz, the move to a new grand jury suggests a steady progression towards criminal charges against some person or company in the Trump orbit.”

Of course, despite the fact that Trump may very well be privately shitting himself over the news, his public response was a typical meltdown and rehashing of things he’s said in the past—namely, that all of this is a “witch hunt” and that he’s a saint beloved the world over. In a statement, he wrote, or more likely dictated to some poor scribe: “This is a continuation of the greatest Witch Hunt in American history. It began the day I came down the escalator in Trump Tower, and it’s never stopped…. This is purely political, and an affront to the almost 75 million voters who supported me in the Presidential Election, and it’s being driven by highly partisan Democrat prosecutors. New York City and State are suffering the highest crime rates in their history, and instead of going after murderers, drug dealers, human traffickers, and others, they come after Donald Trump. Interesting that today a poll came out indicating I’m far in the lead for the Republican Presidential Primary and the General Election in 2024.”

As for Trump’s actual political aspirations, he will undoubtedly tease another White House run until the very last second before making an actual announcement, though aides have claimed to Politico that “he’s missing being president terribly,” and supposedly gets angry when people question if he’s serious about running again. He’s also inserted himself in the 2022 midterm elections, despite the fact that his endorsements are actually the kiss of death. Per Politico:

so they're going to stick with the shit on the bottom of their shoe?
so they're going to stick with the shit on the bottom of their shoe?
It's a practical matter, Trump is old, even a 10 year sentence in a state prison is life and Donald will get more than that. The feds might indict him for other crimes after NY state crack him and the Trump org and his cronies wide open. If Donald does appear in federal court on TV over the insurrection, it might be in a NY state prison jump suit.

It would be nice to indict and convict Trump for all his crimes and give him a couple of thousand years in federal prison, but it would be seen as piling on. Conditions in a NY state maximum security prison are pretty bad, apparently much worse than in a federal facility. That's were Donald will be doing his time, he has a large heavily armed terrorist following. Besides, the judge and jury in his case will be getting hundreds of death threats during the trial and after his conviction, before he is sentenced.
O.K. so this is a thread about happy things.
This is going to sound weird.
My wife is developing a dementia and it's breaking my heart.
But every day..every day.. she smiles at me and tells me how much she loves me. She is the happiest person I know or have ever known.
Nothing bothers her or if it does within a half an hour she has forgotten it and continues to smile. She will hug me and kiss me.
She can't use the stove. I won't let her. Burns pans. It's electric so when I'm not home I throw the breaker.
She locked herself out of the house one time. I have a keypad on the front door but she doesn't know how to use it. The code is her B'day.
I'm trying to retrain her with that.
I'm getting her some help so during the week someone can watch her.
I love her so much. She is my world.
O.K. so this is a thread about happy things.
This is going to sound weird.
My wife is developing a dementia and it's breaking my heart.
But every day..every day.. she smiles at me and tells me how much she loves me. She is the happiest person I know or have ever known.
Nothing bothers her or if it does within a half an hour she has forgotten it and continues to smile. She will hug me and kiss me.
She can't use the stove. I won't let her. Burns pans. It's electric so when I'm not home I throw the breaker.
She locked herself out of the house one time. I have a keypad on the front door but she doesn't know how to use it. The code is her B'day.
I'm trying to retrain her with that.
I'm getting her some help so during the week someone can watch her.
I love her so much. She is my world.
Peace on you, brother.
O.K. so this is a thread about happy things.
This is going to sound weird.
My wife is developing a dementia and it's breaking my heart.
But every day..every day.. she smiles at me and tells me how much she loves me. She is the happiest person I know or have ever known.
Nothing bothers her or if it does within a half an hour she has forgotten it and continues to smile. She will hug me and kiss me.
She can't use the stove. I won't let her. Burns pans. It's electric so when I'm not home I throw the breaker.
She locked herself out of the house one time. I have a keypad on the front door but she doesn't know how to use it. The code is her B'day.
I'm trying to retrain her with that.
I'm getting her some help so during the week someone can watch her.
I love her so much. She is my world.
My dad had alzheimers and parkinsons. He would say there were three women taking care of him. Actually just one, my mother. She loved him till the day he died. It is very easy for me to say, you are a very special person.
O.K. so this is a thread about happy things.
This is going to sound weird.
My wife is developing a dementia and it's breaking my heart.
But every day..every day.. she smiles at me and tells me how much she loves me. She is the happiest person I know or have ever known.
Nothing bothers her or if it does within a half an hour she has forgotten it and continues to smile. She will hug me and kiss me.
She can't use the stove. I won't let her. Burns pans. It's electric so when I'm not home I throw the breaker.
She locked herself out of the house one time. I have a keypad on the front door but she doesn't know how to use it. The code is her B'day.
I'm trying to retrain her with that.
I'm getting her some help so during the week someone can watch her.
I love her so much. She is my world.
Dude, you got some really good Karma coming your way. All the best going forward.
Thanks for all the nice responses. I was just hoping to bring this thread back on track.
I sometimes let my wife smoke. One or two hits only. More than that and I've got a basket case.
Since it impedes short term memory that's the last thing she needs.
Wild, emotional, roller-coaster.
Anyway I've thought of taking her to some open mike, throw a hit or two into her put her on stage.
She gets me laughing to the point of tears.
Funniest part she doesn't know what's so funny.
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