Ready soon or not


Well-Known Member
921 days. Obviously a sarcastic answer. All we can do is guess.

With the mass amounts of information provided of said plant, all I can offer is my sarcastic answer.


The ones in this post probably 3 more months, the ones in your other post from 3 minutes after this one are ready to harvest.


Well-Known Member
I'm with @Creature1969

Couple months left.

Do us a favor please. Next time turn off the grow lights and turn on the flash on your camera. It's much easier to assess the plants with proper lighting.


Well-Known Member
Lil harsh on the defoliation there huh. Lol
Hairs turning orange pre mature can mean a number of things.


Well-Known Member
I tend to keep most leaves. It's really the soul of the plant. Ya dig. Provides a lot more benefits than just photosynthesis. It starts and creates it's life