All this space not to go to waste


Well-Known Member
nice..just a thought ,i Lst w a thinner/skiner ? rope , i think it's made of cotton ,im not sure but i know it's as soft or softer than a shoestring. what i do is make a little noose ,that i can remove easily and adjust as needed. peace


Well-Known Member
That bud is looking great! LST looks good from what I can see. Keep us posted on how that turns out.
Sup green thanks man! And we'll for sure let you all know how things turn out!

nice..just a thought ,i Lst w a thinner/skiner ? rope , i think it's made of cotton ,im not sure but i know it's as soft or softer than a shoestring. what i do is make a little noose ,that i can remove easily and adjust as needed. peace
yea we were thinking of going and getting some pipe cleaners to use to see if those will work out. Or maybe hit up a bonsai store. But thanks for the ideas!

~Buddy J~


Well-Known Member
i use twisty-ties(like from the breadbag) to weigh my shit down. ive never noticed them damaging the branches and ive hung 6" cresent wrenches from my girls before(she was a proud bitch!).\

i picked one of my 2 new clones to use for our training comparison so i take pics of the same girl every time.


Active Member
So the LST I think is started off nicely...the only question I have is about adjusting it in a circular fashion...

How many days do I let it stay in the same position before I un-do the tie down and try to rotate it some? I've seen pics of properly trained stems and they wind up like a coil from rotating the plant as you train.....this is what I want to achieve!!!

The weight idea seems highly feasible though....this way you can bend in all directions easily.....hmmmm.....I'd hate to copy now that we're going to begin some comparison expirements...

Any pics on the topped plants BJ?


Well-Known Member
i use twisty-ties(like from the breadbag) to weigh my shit down. ive never noticed them damaging the branches and ive hung 6" cresent wrenches from my girls before(she was a proud bitch!).\

i picked one of my 2 new clones to use for our training comparison so i take pics of the same girl every time.

Hell ya twisty ties are a great idea also!! And we'll be takin pics of the same plant also so! Hopefully we get some good notes from this.. i'll update pics tonight.

~Buddy J~


Well-Known Member
skizo - this is how i would decide it was time to move my training line. i would unhook the line from whatever it is secured to(continer rim, wall, ect...) and if the branch you had tied down doesnt spring back and stays where you want it, call it good and move on. this is basically what i do with the weights. the branch will go back toward the light a little, but should will basically cooperate.


Active Member
We tried some cloning for the first time lastnight...

...taking a look at them this morning, not too sure it was done well. Keeping my fingers crossed.


Well-Known Member
break down your cloning method for me and well see if we can work this out together. untill i got these last few to root, i bet i had 10 failures at least. it can be super frustrating, i was beginning to think i sucked at life. dont despair(adan sandler voice) YOU CAN DO IT!!


Active Member
Okay...I'll break it down as best I can...BJ might be able to add some details where I miss...

We took our four biggest ladies...5 weeks into flowering, mind you...and took a couple clippings off each. We made sure each clipping had at least 3 nodes, disinfected some scissors with rubbing alcohol wipes, and cut at a 45 degree angle. We then coated the cut spots on the clippings generously with Clone gel (the brand name I'm blanking on). We then used those squishy square things (sorry, don't know the fancy term), placed in a tray. Gave them a little pinch and then went through and watered each square so they were damp. We couldn't find out plastic dome, and the grow store was closed at this time (BJ's wonderful timing strikes once again) so were stuck using ziplock bags to trap moisture. We then placed the tray under our lights in our veg room.

The issues I noticed that I'm sure caused an issue - we have circulating fans in the veg room, which then blew against the un-secured ziplock bags, which in turn pressed against the clones and stressed them horribly...and even fell off a few. Doubtful this provided anywhere close to the humidity levels they need. The room stays around 80 degrees...not sure if this is warm enough, or even what I could do otherwise if it isn't.

Basically when I woke up every one of the clippings were shriveled, most of them completely hunched over and laying against the tray (except for those that had thicker stems to keep them held up). I went and bought a dome, sprayed it down with mist...dampened the cubes some more, re-covered and said a lil prayer...but I'm pretty sure they're gonna need more than that.

I'm pretty sure all was's just a bummer. We sacrificed some small branches that had been developing buds in an effort to keep our four original strains in rotation, and it seems all was just lost. I know it's a trial and error period - especially since we're first timers for all of this - but it's a definite downer. We have four incredibly beautiful plants budding up NICE, and it's a damn shame when the last bud gets rolled up that's it for our four original ladies......breaking up with a fine bitch is always hard eh?

I'm stayin hopeful and have been misting the dome, put a glass of water underneath to add humidity, and have been doing my best to keep the squares moist....but here's the issue in my mind. I wake up in the morning and check the veg room, give the lil guys a little drink, and now check on the clones before going to work. Then I'm gone for 9 to 10 hours. I'm not confident I can keep those squares wet enough, OR the humidity of the dome high enough, to ever properly raise up some clones. About how often will they need attention? And for how long at that rate...?

Any help would be appreciated....we're basically at a stand still with the plants we have...right now it's just the waiting game, so it's definitely time for experiments and building experience...basically I'd like to develop a set of tools and tricks for ALL aspects!


Well-Known Member
Goddamn I'm a long winded bastard...
no, that was a great explanation. BJ is he talking about rockwool cubes or are you using something else? 5 wks into flowering is gonna be your biggest drawback, they have to revert back to veg before they will root. dont lose all hope, ive had clippings laying flat on the ground that perked back up. dont go too crazy spraying them, if theyre getting all they need through thier leaves they will not be inclined to grow roots. your temp should be okay, i use a heat mat under mine but if your room is 80 degrees you should be fine. does condensation collect on the inside of your dome? thats a sure-fire sign that you humidity is good. also you want your cubes DAMP, not soaked. soaked will rot your stem.

if they dont root you can still save your strains, youll just have to regenerate them. when you harvest, leave the bottom 1/3-1/2 of the plant intact. clip off the buds, just make sure you leave enough leafy material(fluff buds work of your lacking leaves) to support the plant. dont overwater as you have a full-sized plants root system now feeding very little plant matter. using some superthrive when you feed wont hurt either. i have done this many times, the girl i just started flushing is actually a regenerated plant im fruiting for the second time. i will try to take some pics of her stem structure with markings as to what i would leave and what would go.


Well-Known Member
sup will!! no were not using rockwool. were using the rooting plugs i used these after i germinated the seeds and they worked really well. i'll put pics up in a few. i gotta head to class and take a final.


Well-Known Member
rapid rooters, or those little hockey pucks that fluff up when you get them wet? ill put up those pics in the morning. hope your exam went well, you dont want to have to work for a living like i do(im sore today, i worked HARD!)


Active Member
well juuus to add my 2 cents the MAIN factor in babies is humiditycold air mixed with hot air = humidity i leave the domes on for boutu 6 days befor doing anything to them. i use the peet pucks i also spray "no damp" on puuucks after they have soaked. (prevents stem rot)also if you do your angle cuton a node they will root faster by bout 3-4 days hopes this helps.


Well-Known Member
the yellow lines are where i make my cuts. a 45 degree one just below a node and cut off anything coming out of the node. i personally havent used the NoDamp mentioned above but have heard great things about it. and i also pretty much dont touch them for about 5-7 days, i just put them under the dome and make sure theres condensation under the dome. if thers no condensation i pour some water into the tray, NOT into the medium. i leave them domed untill they do not wilt when the dome is removed for an hour or more.



Well-Known Member
horticultural heat mat to keep your clone root zone at 30C. Read the albfuct essay on clones. ************good as hell, gl good read reps