Jack Herer & Hindu Kush 600W


Well-Known Member
Hi to all. This is my first grow journal, and really my first grow. Ive grown one bag seed that is about 3 to 4 weeks from harvest. Thats it.
I put 3 Jack Herer and 3 Hindu Kush seeds into paper towels to germinate on 11/15. The 3 Jack Herer will be going into soil tonight. The Kush needs a bit more time.
For veg. im using 4 4x2 32 watt t8s till i can get a 600w mh bulb. i will have that shortly.
For flower i have a 600w w/reflectorized bulb.
Using Fox Farms soil and nutes (grow big, tigers blood and big bloom).
Pics will be up as they grow.

All input is welcome. Hope you all enjoy the grow like i will :joint:


Well-Known Member
I dont think i need to try that just yet.Im very new to it all. my first one is getting ready to harvest and it(bag seed) is going to do ok. I do have a cloning machine that will be here any day, so anything is possible!!


Well-Known Member
sweet my friend! I have wanted to try Jack Herer since i have heard so many great things about it..Hindu Kush sound excellent too..I am awaiting some purple kush seeds from a friend..I look forward to get them going..but I will be watching..from the sound of all your main ingredients: Seeds, Lights, Soil, and Fertlizer..i think you will have a very nice grow and some big buds...are your seeds fems?


Well-Known Member
The seed where bought at a seed shop in Amsterdam by my friend on his honeymoon(lucky bastard). He was told that they were fem.


Well-Known Member
lucky you man...i want to try some Jack Herer..but I am not going to pay a ridiculous price for the seeds as Ive seen on some sites..I am sure its worth it but for now I will settle for cheaper strains..my next grow is going to be a Scrog with Lemon SKunk, Cheese, and Strawberry Cough..so I am looking forward to that..


Well-Known Member
Well thats the good thing superman. I got 0 dollars in them. I will have to give some yield away, but thank god for cloning. I looked at your grows and I hope mine turn out as good. Only time in the way now!!!


Well-Known Member
Well thats the good thing superman. I got 0 dollars in them. I will have to give some yield away, but thank god for cloning. I looked at your grows and I hope mine turn out as good. Only time in the way now!!!
thanks Dude!..now if only my grows were your strains..lol..and heck yeah you cant beat $0.00...but yeah the time thing stinks sometimes but its rewarding when your smoking on some of your own grown stuff..


Well-Known Member
Well I felt I should give one of the jacks another day??? Still nothing on the HK not even cracked. ??? I put them in .75 gallon buckets trying to just transplant once. As they come out of the dirt I'll post pics.


Well-Known Member
yeah sometimes it takes longer for them to bust through..all depends on the tap root i guess...i hope they make it though!


Well-Known Member
Ok I think Im going to do one of each seed in a hempy bucket. I've studied it a bunch. Lots of reading and I want to take a swing at it. Anyone have a comment about hempies?I've never tried but many people say they work great. And it sounds pretty easy????


Well-Known Member
Earlytoker, Thanks for following. I hope that impress you b/c if I do Im sure that will mean that Im a very happy toker.


Well-Known Member
The only news tonight is that one of the kush seeds cracked open. No root yet but that's still a good sign. I'll put the third jack seed in a hempy bucket in the morning.


Well-Known Member
Ok I chickened out on the hempy buckets. I think you should use hydro nutes on them of which I have none. So I put the 3rd jack seed in soil lastnight. I now have 3 jack herers in soil and 1 bag seed (from some homegrown fire) in soil now. I think that there will be 2 hindu kush seeds ready for soil tonight. I dont know if the 3rd kush seed will be good or not. It hasnt cracked open yet. Nothing has come up out of the soil yet. I got my fingers crossed!!!


Well-Known Member
Tonight two of the 3 Hindu kush went in soil. I don't believe the last hk seed will germ but 2 females will suit me fine. 6 total pots 3 jh 2 hk and the bag seed. I'm ready to see some seedlings. Nothing yet. I don't know if I should be nervous about the first ones not coming though the soil yet or not. Maybe I'm just impatient. ?? I'll fill you in on anything new later.


Well-Known Member
Tonight two of the 3 Hindu kush went in soil. I don't believe the last hk seed will germ but 2 females will suit me fine. 6 total pots 3 jh 2 hk and the bag seed. I'm ready to see some seedlings. Nothing yet. I don't know if I should be nervous about the first ones not coming though the soil yet or not. Maybe I'm just impatient. ?? I'll fill you in on anything new later.
Will there be pics when the pop?


Well-Known Member
Fo sho!! Havent put any up bc they would be real boring. Stay with me I think this will be a good one.