January 6th, 2021


Well-Known Member
just low hanging fruit..wonder if he went to the local wings place and was telling a tale as old as time..


this high IQ Insurrectionist hails from Sanford same place Trayvon was killed.


Well-Known Member
suggest you mind your own business and worry about your own banana republic.
It is their business, the republicans are their allies and spread their disinformation and propaganda, in exchange they help them to win elections. Donald and the republicans invited the Russians and have been allied with them for years, the base doesn't care about it, or anything else, other than getting the black folks and triggering the libs.


Well-Known Member
suggest you mind your own business and worry about your own banana republic.
Hey, if the US can lock up the patriots from Jan 6...

Russia arrests prominent opposition figure amid clampdown on critics
Russian authorities Tuesday arrested prominent opposition politician Dmitry Gudkov amid a broader clampdown by the Kremlin against high-profile critics.

Associates of Gudkov said on his Telegram page that he and his aunt were both being detained. His arrest comes after law enforcement raided his country home. The homes of at least two of his associates were also reportedly searched.

Gudkov was reportedly detained over claims he did not pay a debt he owed under a lease agreement he signed for a non-residential building from 2015 to 2017.

"I don't know the formal reason for this," Gudkov wrote earlier Tuesday on Telegram. "But the real (reason) is clear."

Gudkov’s detention is just part of a broader effort by the Kremlin to crack down on dissidents. Among the highest profile critics who have been detained is Alexander Navalny, a leader of the opposition movement against Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Russian authorities also aided the apartment of opposition activist Andrei Pivovarov Tuesday, according to Reuters. Pivovarov was removed from a flight that was about to take to Poland from St. Petersburg on Monday.

The crackdown has come ahead of parliamentary elections in September.

Mikhail Khodorkovsky, another Kremlin critic, said Tuesday that Putin is “trying to sanitize” political opposition before voters head to the polls later this year.

“Any candidates that the government isn’t happy with will simply not be allowed to run,” he said, adding that the Kremlin is looking to curtail the prospect of widespread protests after the September vote.


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Well-Known Member
The "dumbass" defense LOL.

Also known as diminished capacity. Having a weak or impaired mind makes one incapable of making educated decisions, leaving them open to suggestion, hence making them not responsible.

They have a good case. Trump himself made the case for him with his admitted "love" of the uneducated. Add that to the barrage of misinformation and propaganda that is Fox News and they've got a pretty good defense.


Well-Known Member
Also known as diminished capacity. Having a weak or impaired mind makes one incapable of making educated decisions, leaving them open to suggestion, hence making them not responsible.

They have a good case. Trump himself made the case for him with his admitted "love" of the uneducated. Add that to the barrage of misinformation and propaganda that is Fox News and they've got a pretty good defense.
Many states execute the mentally handicapped, so much for diminished capacity. He's stupid, but not stupid enough for that defense, if he was, everybody who was there would qualify.


Well-Known Member
Also known as diminished capacity. Having a weak or impaired mind makes one incapable of making educated decisions, leaving them open to suggestion, hence making them not responsible.

They have a good case. Trump himself made the case for him with his admitted "love" of the uneducated. Add that to the barrage of misinformation and propaganda that is Fox News and they've got a pretty good defense.
Add to it Trump allowing these people to be continually targeted by a foreign military along with all the other scams that Trump and the Republicans have been perpetrating on our citizens.

I really hope that they can prove that this is the case. Even if they shy away from foreign involvement to try to navigate a peaceful solution to the escalation that foreign dictators are pulling.


Well-Known Member
The "dumbass" defense LOL.

So many are claiming Foxnews was their codefendant, perhaps they should be indicted too as part of a conspiracy, there would be hundreds of witnesses against them... The Devil made me do it and the stupidity defense seem to be all they have, nobody is claiming the election was stolen in court, nobody is going down with the ship.


Well-Known Member
It is their business, the republicans are their allies and spread their disinformation and propaganda, in exchange they help them to win elections. Donald and the republicans invited the Russians and have been allied with them for years, the base doesn't care about it, or anything else, other than getting the black folks and triggering the libs.
it's okay; they all came to the Capitol like rats onto a sinking ship; they've all left digital footprint and can be identified if DOJ and FBI wishes.

question is: do they?


Well-Known Member
it's okay; they all came to the Capitol like rats onto a sinking ship; they've all left digital footprint and can be identified if DOJ and FBI wishes.

question is: do they?
They are doing everything they can to gain and hold real political power in 2022, there is a real danger of losing the house then. Everything is done with that bigger objective in mind, it might not look pretty, or please everybody, but it must be done. Look at the trouble they have now with a bare majority and Manchin and Sinema acting as bottle necks to change in the Senate. Nothing matters to Republican voters, not facts, policy or even treason, those things only matter to democratic voters and Joe has to juggle priorities or the children will hold their breath until they turn blue! Police reform, infrastructure or anything else won't matter at all if you lose the next election, so HR-1 and voting rights will have to be priorities.

Joe wants to go bold and he needs a congress at his back to do it, so only the essentials for now to try and hold the line and keep America a democracy. The republicans voter suppression and election changes in the states must be countered by HR-1 and voters rights, or you'll never have another peaceful election. Defeat these assholes in 2022 and Biden can get his agenda through and that is pretty far to the left for America, Bernie ain't complaining. Win big enough in 2022 and you could even have single payer healthcare, perhaps by 2024, but there needs to be much done to shore up democracy and secure the country first. The will is there, but priorities and resources have to be managed carefully to get there.


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Well-Known Member
Trump’s blog is permanently shut down, was he made aware his posts could be used as evidence against him?
His work is complete, he drove anybody with morals and brains out of the republican party and only the scum remains. Have a look at all those republican state governments and what they are doing to voters rights and the democratic process. They no longer need Trump, he distilled them down to their racist and bigoted, fear driven essence and they are a force unto themselves. Trump really just followed their lead, he never really lead them, but was lead by them and gave them what they wanted. A desperate psycho like Trump was the only one who could give them what they really want, genocide. If they think the black and brown people are the problem and hate them, then you fix the problem by eliminating the people. Make no mistake, give these people the power and they will make it happen, it is the logical end of the road for them, there is no other path.

The republican voters don't care about facts or policy, absolutely nothing matters to them other than winning at all costs. They are perfectly willing to burn down the house with themselves inside it, sacrifices have to be made when you are at war.


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Oath Keepers Case Is ‘Pinnacle Of Obstruction Of Justice'

Fmr. federal prosecutor Daniel Alonso joins Lawrence O'Donnell to discuss why prosecutors in the Oath Keepers conspiracy case “want this case to be resolved by guilty pleas” and why “the government doesn’t trust these folks.”