Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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I'm not convinced either way, but there's some pretty good logic here as compared to pure emotion/promotion/corruption pushing the other way.
Does anyone here really trust big Pharma? They seem to be benefitting the most from this. Follow the money, always.
"I'm not sure but here is a load of shit I read on facebook and will defend no matter what"

I'm not convinced either way, but there's some pretty good logic here as compared to pure emotion/promotion/corruption pushing the other way.
Does anyone here really trust big Pharma? They seem to be benefitting the most from this. Follow the money, always.
I'm not convinced either way, but there's some pretty good logic here as compared to pure emotion/promotion/corruption pushing the other way.
Does anyone here really trust big Pharma? They seem to be benefitting the most from this. Follow the money, always.
So, by that "logic", you make money off whatever product you sell; therefore your product is shit.

Thanks for playing.
Judge rules in favor of a Houston hospital requiring employees to be vaccinated against Covid-19
A judge has dismissed a lawsuit against Houston Methodist Hospital by employees who opposed a Covid-19 vaccine mandate as a condition of employment.
On Saturday, US District Court Judge Lynn Hughes ruled against Jennifer Bridges and 116 of her fellow Houston Methodist coworkers who sued to block the Covid-19 vaccination requirement. Houston Methodist Hospital moved to dismiss the case.
Bridges and her co-workers claimed the Covid-19 vaccines used in the US were "experimental and dangerous," and that it would be "wrongful" to be terminated for refusing the get vaccinated.
The privately run Houston Methodist Hospital countered, saying not only were Bridges' claims untrue, but that under Texas law, workers are protected from termination only if they refuse to commit a criminal act that carries criminal penalties.

"Methodist is trying to do their business of saving lives without giving them ... COVID-19," Hughes wrote in the dismissal of the lawsuit.
"It is a choice made to keep staff, patients, and their families safer. Bridges can freely choose to accept or refuse a COVID-19 vaccine; however if she refuses she will simply need to work somewhere else."
Judge rules in favor of a Houston hospital requiring employees to be vaccinated against Covid-19
A judge has dismissed a lawsuit against Houston Methodist Hospital by employees who opposed a Covid-19 vaccine mandate as a condition of employment.
On Saturday, US District Court Judge Lynn Hughes ruled against Jennifer Bridges and 116 of her fellow Houston Methodist coworkers who sued to block the Covid-19 vaccination requirement. Houston Methodist Hospital moved to dismiss the case.
Bridges and her co-workers claimed the Covid-19 vaccines used in the US were "experimental and dangerous," and that it would be "wrongful" to be terminated for refusing the get vaccinated.
The privately run Houston Methodist Hospital countered, saying not only were Bridges' claims untrue, but that under Texas law, workers are protected from termination only if they refuse to commit a criminal act that carries criminal penalties.

"Methodist is trying to do their business of saving lives without giving them ... COVID-19," Hughes wrote in the dismissal of the lawsuit.
"It is a choice made to keep staff, patients, and their families safer. Bridges can freely choose to accept or refuse a COVID-19 vaccine; however if she refuses she will simply need to work somewhere else."
What is interesting about this story is that 99% complied and got vaccinated, less than 1% were a pain about it. When the mRNA vaccines come out of Emergency use statues this summer, most employers will require vaccination, schools, universities and healthcare insurance companies will want it too, stupidity will become a preexisting condition. If employers, insurance companies and schools require it, America could see unexpectedly high vaccination rates by fall and winter. The new delta variant should tear through the unvaccinated this summer and that could also drive up vaccination rates.
Republicans only make up 25% of the electorate, so 30% of them don't want to take the vaccine, but a very large majority do!
COVID infections rise in eight states; most have low vaccination rates (usatoday.com)

8 states see a rise in infection rates, 29% of Republicans don't want vaccine – yet: Live COVID-19 updates

New COVID-19 cases are declining across most of the nation, and seven of the eight states where cases are rising have below-average vaccination rates, new data reveals.

Alabama, Arkansas, Hawaii, Missouri, Nevada, Texas, Utah and Wyoming have seen their seven-day rolling averages for infection rates rise from two weeks earlier, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. All of them except Hawaii have recorded vaccination rates that are lower than the US average of 43% fully vaccinated, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Some states are seeing increased immunity after high rates of natural spread of the disease, which has so far killed hundreds of thousands of Americans.

“We certainly are getting some population benefit from our previous cases, but we paid for it,” said Mississippi State Health Officer Dr. Thomas Dobbs. “We paid for it with deaths.”

Meanwhile, more than 70% of Americans – vaccinated and unvaccinated – are comfortable gathering with friends now, compared with just over 40% in March, according to a CBS poll released Friday.

But 29% of Republicans who responded to the poll say they do not have plans to get vaccinated, while just over 20% of independents and 5% of Democrats say the same. The top reasons? 50% say they are waiting to see what happens.
For anyone that still thinks there's a microchips, magnets or gremlins in the vaccine please watch this. These anti Vax ppl think we already have nanotechnology vaccines or even close to something similar are ridiculous. We have places in the US that still doesn't have cell service or internet.

Dude has the exact same va glasses as me. That's how I know he is legit. Lol