Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

It's the rush....adrilanin..and it is a learning experience, you know there are driving schools...for stuff like that....I went to one..
You are preaching to the choir here when it comes to a Need for Speed don't tell anybody but took a break today in My Subaru topped out at a hundred and twenty the dam thing has no top end when you hit 5th gear there's nothing
And he's a good kid He really is oh he works hard is a welder by trade so that should get your vote it got mine and for some damn reason I can't remember the name of the place he works oh s*** must be I'm stoned in tired
Ok tablet bout to die....gonna get off..and I'm gonna enjoy some space tomatoes and beer.....there's a pork belly waiting for me....
Rest well

Should be nice today. Low 80°'s kinda humid but not bad. Lots to do.