7-8 hour sun in soil?


Active Member
Will 7-8 hour direct sunlight affect my quality/potency at all if I do everything else textbook correct ?


Active Member
Not sure. But I sure as shit wouldn’t be bringing a plant outdoors then back indoors. If that’s what you’re implying.
No bro. It's in ground. My concern is that everywhere I read an all the people I speak with say the perfect grow has 16 hours of direct sunlight in veg..mines only gets (8 give or take)..will that affect the quality at all??


Well-Known Member
No bro. It's in ground. My concern is that everywhere I read an all the people I speak with say the perfect grow has 16 hours of direct sunlight in veg..mines only gets (8 give or take)..will that affect the quality at all??
Ah okay, that bit of information would have been handy in the first post.

I’m not an outdoor grower at all, but I would imagine yes. Yes it would affect yield at least, possible quality.


Well-Known Member
6 hrs is ok. Yeild will suffer. Put a plant in full sun all day and you'll get nice big fat colas the whole way through. Less Sun they tend to want to stretch up as they think they will get more Sun if they are taller. You'll still get good weed. The thing is now you may have 6hrs but unless you know the spot well and follow the sun through the season you can end up with more or less hours of sun as the sun moves down the sky as fall draws near. Now I get Sun from 6am until 430 then an hour break behind a tree then from 530 till around 8. Later in the year I'll have about 8 hrs of sun total as the tree that blocks it for an hour now blocks it from about 430


Well-Known Member
Idk why y'all are thinking it's in a pot. It's in the ground lol
Miscommunication. Outside it’ll get light even though not full sun it’ll grow out nice. Just take care of it and you should be fine. I’ve ran 400-1000 gallon pots and I purposely put them in partial sun help them with heat. They grew almost 17-19 ft or bigger.


Active Member
Miscommunication. Outside it’ll get light even though not full sun it’ll grow out nice. Just take care of it and you should be fine. I’ve ran 400-1000 gallon pots and I purposely put them in partial sun help them with heat. They grew almost 17-19 ft or bigger.
Damn bro must've been straight up sativas. I have Obama runtZ..I just found a seed in one of the enormous beautiful nugs that came from the packet so I HAD to plant it. She looks big an beautiful tho. I hear that any seed which comes from a bud is automatic herm..is that true?


Well-Known Member
Damn bro must've been straight up sativas. I have Obama runtZ..I just found a seed in one of the enormous beautiful nugs that came from the packet so I HAD to plant it. She looks big an beautiful tho. I hear that any seed which comes from a bud is automatic herm..is that true?
Depends on why it hermie first. If it was genetic then yes it’ll herm again. If it was to much stress then it depends on what caused it.
now reading on Obamaruntz though it isn’t a runtz strain or Obama kush. It’s just a strain someone had and tossed a catchy name too. So I’m not seeing the appeal. It sounds like it was a cross of some dudes junk then slapped a name on it.
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