2 different strains in rdwc?


Well-Known Member
Well like the title says how about 2 different strains in an rdwc system? Both strains flower times are almost identical and they both feed almost identical.

There would only be 2 or 3 of one strain and 21-22 of the other strain. Also they are in a big systems the totes are 18g per plant so i dont THINK they would fight each other for survival....

I need thoughts from the fellas who have done this, tried this, and ran rdwc for awhile. I got to make a quick decision here

Ty everyone

C. Nesbitt

Well-Known Member
From personal experience, I recommend against this. Haven’t been growing with a DWC system for a decade but when I was, running more than one strain on the same reservoir was hugely frustrating, even with similar feeders and similar flowering times.

It was fine in veg but during flower really minor differences in plant preferences and a few days difference in finishing time impacted the amount and quality of finished bud from both strains. Using separate reservoirs was more expensive and took up more room, but was way easier to dial in, especially at the end of a cycle when nutes were tapered down to nothing before the chop.


Well-Known Member
Yes each plant has its own 18 gallon tote. Also each strain feeds identical in coco and rockwool and also flowers identical.

Im running Athena Ag in this run


Well-Known Member
just checked out their site. in the pro line, the core plus bloom is almost the same as jacks 321. they should rock it out.
Yup the blended line is just the pro line mixed alrdy as well and that what i went with for this run because of the simplicity, im definetly stoked about it lol. I'll post pics of the bew waterfall system when this forum lets me load them soon lmao
each of your plants is in a tote by itself, right?

it's definitely do-able. shoot for an EC of like 1.2 max and it should work. what nutes you planning on using/
I'm thinking of doing this too. One res feeding 3-sites all with different strains, different flower times, photo AND auto. lol Am I asking for trouble? I'll be using Masterblend.