Female/Male/ Hermie


Well-Known Member
I think I see a female pistil in the first pic. The node on the second pic looks damaged. I can't tell if thats a male pollen sack coming oit or if it looks like it from the damage. Can you post a better, higher resolution shot of the node in the second pic?


Well-Known Member
I can see the pistil in the first pic. Hard to tell if it's an ovary or not in the second pic.


Well-Known Member
Where you held the plant I see seeds forming, but I wouldn't toss it until I was 100% sure. In person I could tell you.

The one on the left by your fingers, unfortunately has the very classic "ball on a stem" that forms a seed pod...imo


Well-Known Member
If I am right that it is seeding, it wont matter really if it's a male or a hermie but if there are pistils up there (WHITE), then it's a hermie.


Well-Known Member
Was it a regular seed, fem seed or bag seed?

If you confirm its male or hermi I would start over. Seeded bud sucks and you are WAY early where it would be a tough road.


Well-Known Member
It is likely a hermie then. You didn't do it wrong, I think the genetics are poor as that is the risk from a bagseed. Some of the best stuff (and worst) I have grown is bagseed from the disp.

Looking at that pic again it almost looks like a ball and stem on the left and a possible flower on the right...


Well-Known Member
Looks good. Keep your eyes open for any "nanners" (bananas, male pollen sacs) that may appear. Pinch them off with your fingers if you find any.
Alright, appreciate it. This is my first grow, I'm open to all suggestions and tips. I think it is going well for me at this point. It was a bagseed from the dispo. I wasn't sure of the sex a week ago when I first posted. Was curious what two of the nodes were producing, from all my research I was convinced they were the beginning of the male ball and stem. This is them two nodes now a week later.

Now those are the only nodes that have them on. Everywhere it is growing pistils, that I think look really nice.