Alternate reality


Active Member
Holy shit, Alternate Dimensions!?!?! String theory?!?! I cant tell you how much I wish I knew these things or at least live to the day that somebody figures it out and lets us know haha. Large Hadron Collider....? Maybe it will show us proof of such things, or send us into a man-made black hole. Worth the Risk? Is knowing these things worth sending the world into eternal darkness and undoing all that life on earth has worked for? Are the actions of few justified in that they are striving to know more about the world we live in, while throwing the inherent risk to the wind? Light one up and let me kno wat ya think.:joint:


Well-Known Member
Well, dying by a black hole is definitely on my top 10 ways to die.. Somewhere in between a super laser beam and disintegration by music.


Well-Known Member
i think that is messed up too man.. that they are attempting that.. i hope they have studied how to stop blackholes, and have successfully done it to a few before they start one of their own ;)


Well-Known Member
oh man. dont get me started on this... I love it, physics, the universe, the big bang, the big rip(crazy stuff). All possible outcomes are regarded as "really happening" and somehow we "select" only one of those realities (universes). Real SF stuff. Also untestable unless someone comes up with a way of moving between universes. First formulated by Everett.

If |a> and |b> are possible outcomes, then so is c|a> + d|b> for any c,d where |c|2 + |d|2 = 1 so the number of alternate universes is infinite. Since "every possible outcome" is viewed as happening, the many world interpretation implies universes where the laws of physics hold but every toss of a coin has resulted in "tails"! Universes "interfere" with each other "smearing" our universe at the quantum level. Making a measurement "selects" one of these universes.


Well-Known Member
thts awesome u started this topic cuz i stayed up watching the history channel til 2 learnin bout tht shit.. its crzy... they talked about how the big bang was created by a big bang... n tht big bang was created by a big bang...etc.

it said tht our universe is actually inside a huge bubble ( like if u blow a bubble .. same concept )... next to other bubbles which there are universes inside of them... ( crzy shit to think about ). when bubbles bump into each other it causes a "bang" (big bang).. which creates another bubble therefore creating another universe...

shhhhhewww... cant believe i remembered tht shit :hump:

ill try to find a vid bout it :joint:


Well-Known Member
oh man. dont get me started on this... I love it, physics, the universe, the big bang, the big rip(crazy stuff). All possible outcomes are regarded as "really happening" and somehow we "select" only one of those realities (universes). Real SF stuff. Also untestable unless someone comes up with a way of moving between universes. First formulated by Everett.

If |a> and |b> are possible outcomes, then so is c|a> + d|b> for any c,d where |c|2 + |d|2 = 1 so the number of alternate universes is infinite. Since "every possible outcome" is viewed as happening, the many world interpretation implies universes where the laws of physics hold but every toss of a coin has resulted in "tails"! Universes "interfere" with each other "smearing" our universe at the quantum level. Making a measurement "selects" one of these universes.
I'll have what this gentelman is smoking please. lol I love this shite too. History channel got The Universe and they got a segment on this fecking stuff.


Well-Known Member
Try going into space and blowing out a tiny hole in the space rocket wall, then enjoy the sensation of being sucked through a dime-sized hole... Thats sorta like a black hole, except the gravitional force is so strong that it can suck a planet through a pin-hole.. Imagine that 1. You'd be gone like instantly.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit, Alternate Dimensions!?!?! String theory?!?! I cant tell you how much I wish I knew these things or at least live to the day that somebody figures it out and lets us know haha. Large Hadron Collider....? Maybe it will show us proof of such things, or send us into a man-made black hole. Worth the Risk? Is knowing these things worth sending the world into eternal darkness and undoing all that life on earth has worked for? Are the actions of few justified in that they are striving to know more about the world we live in, while throwing the inherent risk to the wind? Light one up and let me kno wat ya think.:joint:
Alternative reality? sure, I mean think about it; to exist in this reality we have to 'not' exist in another reality, what if we exist in many different alternative states in between our nonexistent self and our self that we are now which is our existent self. you don't need a special license to think this stuff up, dude just visualise it to the limit of your imagination man


Well-Known Member
My own theory is like this: Its based on the big bang theory but really its about what created the big bang.

Ok so the big bang happened causeing matter to be pushed away form the bang right? in then elements come together and for matter which then forms life if you have the right type of matter together etc... But what caused the bigg bang? my theory is that the big bang was caused by a collision of all the white and dark matter in the universe. If white matter and dark matter mix they can't not exsist so they collide creating differnet types of elements which I would consider a reaction from the collision of dark and white. But how did all the white and dark matter get to on epoint? because they are infinitely attracted to one another. (Opposites attract)

I have to leave so i lost my concentration... I love science


Well-Known Member
What about that section of space that for the last few months have been showing a ton of activity? i think at first we thought it was a supernova but the intensity actually got stronger for about 100 days then dropped off. now some people think we just saw an interstellar battle that happened possibly hundreds of years ago! crazy!


Well-Known Member
thats intense. you can't deny that isn't a possibly. buttttt.... what about the "white hole" that spat out everything the universe is? anyone herd of that theory...


Well-Known Member
If you like that stuff, you should really get into Phillip Pullmans's series. The Golden Compass, you heard about the movie? Well. it is from a series of books that beat the movie all to hell. I haven't read the last one, I am just rabid for it, but I read The Golden Compass and the sequel, The Subtle Knife. Skip the movie, get the books, they are all about dark matter and string theory and alternate universes thing.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I read the books. wasn't a big fan of em though. I'd rather non fiction when concerning matters of the universe.


Well-Known Member
I was watching a documentary on PBS about 5 years ago on string theory. It came on at like 4am and It was the shit. Sadly I cannot remember most of the points, but just the sheer time and effort these guys put into it was astonishing. Writing out outrageously complex equations only to get a picture and not a numerical answer shocked the shit outta me.
