Faces of the master race.


Well-Known Member
Reactionary religious nuts are fighting over how to word a statement against CRT. Somehow, this story morphed into "SBC is divided".
Apparently Trumpism is having a pernicious effect on Christian youth, who tend to be more idealistic and sensitive to hypocrisy, or at least their non Christian peers are! It is causing them some trouble and division, Trump divides everybody, including this bunch of lunatics. One thing Cheeto Jesus did was knock Jesus off the main stage of American politics, Dubya used to talk to him every day FFS, like he was some kind of imaginary friend!


Well-Known Member
Aaaaaand there it is. Critical Race Theory is Marxist!!! Or maybe it isn't. That is what Southern Baptists are arguing about. The white ones, that is.

At least three critical race theory statements proposed for Southern Baptist meeting

Wade Burleson, a pastor of an Enid, Oklahoma, church, argued CRT is rooted in Marxism.

“Christ is a uniter,” said Burleson. “I don’t see CRT uniting. I see it dividing. Marxism has a goal of dividing.”

Pastor Dwight McKissic of Texas wrote an essay posted Wednesday on SBCVoices.com that responds to those who connect CRT to German philosopher Karl Marx.

“Derrick Bell, who is considered the father of Critical Race Theory, denied any Marxan influence or European scholarly influence on his development of CRT,” wrote McKissic, who said he would leave the predominantly white SBC if messengers “denounce CRT in its entirety” at the meeting.

“If you want to know what CRT is, it is everything Martin Luther King has written, including his ‘I have A Dream Speech.’”

I think this is the statement that was accepted by the messengers:

On the Incompatibility of Structural Racism and Oppression with the Baptist Faith and Message

It's not bad. I even agree with parts of it.

WHEREAS, Critical Race Theory explores the unjust subordination of groups of people by race currently existing in American society, being embedded in Supreme Court decisions, lower court opinions, and instantiated in statutes; and

WHEREAS, the conditions created by such subordination has impacted child welfare, caused inequities that lead to abuse and neglect, creating greater risk for the unborn and aged and the reduced availability healthcare in these groups; and

WHEREAS, those harmed by laws and judicial opinions have been absorbed into the wider culture in which they have neither power nor voice (Prov. 31:8-9) to change the structures and systems that harm them; and

I only wish they would actually behave as if they believed it.


Well-Known Member
He didn't make them to any industry standard so the only ones that would buy them is rubes, like his pillow customers and they think the virus is a hoax.



Well-Known Member
tRUmptards are still drinking the koolaid.

I just want to, once again, point out that Jonestown used Flav-or-aid. I don't mind you using Kool-Aid, it has become the norm, but we should all know it was the cheap, knock-off version. Grape, because it best masked that bitter almond taste Kool-Aid would have masked it 25% better and they wouldn't have needed to add their own sugar! #convenience.

Also, Kool-Aid pays me $250 every time I post that.


Well-Known Member
I just want to, once again, point out that Jonestown used Flav-or-aid. I don't mind you using Kool-Aid, it has become the norm, but we should all know it was the cheap, knock-off version. Grape, because it best masked that bitter almond taste Kool-Aid would have masked it 25% better and they wouldn't have needed to add their own sugar! #convenience.

Also, Kool-Aid pays me $250 every time I post that.
MAGA Koolaid, Trump flavor, orange brown color, tastes like shit, rots yer brain and kills ya dead.


Well-Known Member