70 days flower


Well-Known Member
I usually pull mine when the trichomes are half amber, looks like they are ready! I’m not a master grower but I’ve done my fair bit of research this is pulled from a site I use

“When resin trichomes are near their THC concentration peak, they have a translucent colour since the plant is still producing resin in the trichome glands.
At this moment, THC production is at its peak, while CBD levels are still low and stable, since molecules quickly become THC.
Terpene - aromatic molecules - production is also at its peak, developing gorgeously aromatic floral clusters.
Many growers harvest their cannabis plants at this moment because they prefer a more clear and cerebral psychoactive effect.
At this moment, THC has few sedative effects due to low CBD and CBN levels.”
So if you want to leave it longer it will have more sleepy effects than cut earlier in production. Depending on strain and if It’s indica/ sativa also. Hope this helps!