Maximum Ventilation?


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

So I'm trying to make a solid plan before beginning an indoor (legal) grow. I hear there is a certain minimum exchanges / minute recommendation, but what if you exceeded this? Is there a maximum exchange rate?

Also, related, is there a maximum ventilation (fan blowing) rate? How would you determine this?

I want to make my bud rot issues a bare minimum, so I would plan on maximizing air exchange and fans blowing. I also would want to grow at a steady 40% humidity throughout the grow. I'd be willing to exchange (lol) some harvest for a smaller chance of bud rot. Anyone have anything to add?


Well-Known Member
Well, when the fan sucks the plant from it's medium and launches it through the carbon filter........

You've found your maximum. :)
I came here to say just this.
I started in a 2x4x5 (short) tent. I bought a 6" inline fan and brought it home.
Hooked it all up and plugged it in, set it on low and checked things out from the window. Neat. I decided to try full blast - "what's the worst that could happen?".
Well the sides sucked in to where they almost touched and some seedlings I had in solos went flying about a foot in the air, dirt everywhere.

Luckily I shut it off or I'm sure I'd have plugged my carbon filter with dirt. It's funny now, but as a newbie I almost cried :dunce:

Hope you get a chuckle, cause like the above poster said, you'll know!


Well-Known Member
You can pull out as much air as you put back in there is no maximum.
Not strictly true. It depends on the air conditions outside and in. If your really humid or dry outside then your sucking that problem in quicker than a dehumidifier or humidifier can handle then it's pointless. Same with heat and cooling.

You want to balance all these things.... of your air outside is perfect already.... yeah fine... suck away!


Well-Known Member
Not strictly true. It depends on the air conditions outside and in. If your really humid or dry outside then your sucking that problem in quicker than a dehumidifier or humidifier can handle then it's pointless. Same with heat and cooling.

You want to balance all these things.... of your air outside is perfect already.... yeah fine... suck away!
That wasn't stated. The question was how much. He said he wanted to keep it at 40% but didn't ask about how to do that just how much air would be maximum
Your point is valid but...
I stand by my answer.


Well-Known Member
Fans in your space to gently rustle the leaves. Exhaust fans to maintain temps and or rh and minimum CO2 needs. Outdoors has unlimited air supply, if you supply an unlimited amount of fresh air indoors you are doing great lol.