How can I make hydro taste/smell stronger?

Hi, I just finished my first soil grow (organic) AND WOW the smoothness and flavor is like none of my hydro grows. I have done about 8 hydro grows. I flushed for 1 week with AN flawless finish and 1 week fresh water in all grows. The hydro is always harsher and taste/smells less than this soil. Anyone have any tips to improve the taste/smell of hydro? The harshness goes away after a nice cure but I feel like the flavor is never there. I’ve read that UVA can increase terpene production. I’m highly satisfied with the bag appeal and the potency, but the smell and taste just isn’t there. Any tips??? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Are you comparing the product of cuttings from the same mother with both methods?

Sulfur nutrient supplement potassium sulfate during flower can help give more flavor/aroma.


Well-Known Member
What nutes did you use? What hydro style?

AN needs 50 bottles to work correct.

Most people say organic gives better taste and from my limited experience (1 friend grows organic) her weed did taste better than mine.

But im a lazy cure guy so part of that is me being lazy.

Observe & Report

Well-Known Member
Hi, I just finished my first soil grow (organic) AND WOW the smoothness and flavor is like none of my hydro grows. I have done about 8 hydro grows. I flushed for 1 week with AN flawless finish and 1 week fresh water in all grows. The hydro is always harsher and taste/smells less than this soil. Anyone have any tips to improve the taste/smell of hydro? The harshness goes away after a nice cure but I feel like the flavor is never there. I’ve read that UVA can increase terpene production. I’m highly satisfied with the bag appeal and the potency, but the smell and taste just isn’t there. Any tips??? Thanks.
There are too many uncontrolled variables to come to any conclusion why there is a difference between your hydro and organic, if there is even a difference at all. Even if you carefully controlled the growing and curing conditions you really can't tell the difference without a side-by-side double blind taste test. Even folks who try to control the grows and get lab tests fall down by only testing a couple of plants which isn't enough power to draw a conclusion.

Real scientists have been all over this, trying to show some difference between conventional and organic for nutrients, yield, appearance, and flavor, and haven't found much of anything. The evidence for organic Cannabis is vastly less yet people continue to spread the myth that it tastes/smells better, supported only by confirmation bias and pseudoscience.