Please help!! NEED ODOR CONTROL!!


Well-Known Member
Okay so i have searched for days on this site and others on how to build a type of carbon scrubber or odor killer, and have found nothing! Does anyone have a good idea or plan or design on how to make something that will work to kill the smell in a 10' x 12' room?

Please help it's getting close and i have nothing to kill the smell when it arrives!!!!kiss-ass


Elite Rolling Society
I bought a five gallon bucket from Walmart, and put a ten dollar round fan in it, from Walmart, blowing face down. I filled1/3 of the bucket with cat litter, and poured URINE BE GONE ont he cat litter and a bottle of FREBREEZE in it too. One inch above the top of the cat litter, on the sides, I cut 12 holes, all around the middle of the bucket.
The fan sucks the air into the bucket and blows it on the cat litter and then escapes out the holes on the sides, smelling fresh.
It does not 100% remove all of the smell, but it sure made a difference. With a $39 Ionizer and a small carbon filter, I can invite the pastor over to dinner and he doesn;t smell anything.


Well-Known Member
You searched for days, and didn't find plans for a carbon scrubber???
Would you like the person who spoon-feeds you to make aeroplane sounds while they do it??


Well-Known Member
You searched for days, and didn't find plans for a carbon scrubber???
Would you like the person who spoon-feeds you to make aeroplane sounds while they do it??
Would you like the guy who started this thread to find you and skull fuck your wife while she sleeps, and make you watch..............wait sorry, so you can understand i speak in weetard so fuck boy know what me say.......Go fuck your mother and suck my cock, i don't have time to waste it with little bitches being smart asses, grow the fuck up, help out or get out.

I hate fucking' ASSHOLES!!!!!:finger:


Well-Known Member
You searched for days, and didn't find plans for a carbon scrubber???
Would you like the person who spoon-feeds you to make aeroplane sounds while they do it??
Would you like the guy who started this thread to find you and skull fuck your wife while she sleeps, and make you watch..............wait sorry, so you can understand i speak in weetard so fuck boy know what me say.......Go fuck your mother and suck my cock, i don't have time to waste it with little bitches being smart asses, grow the fuck up, help out or get out.

I hate fucking' ASSHOLES!!!!!:finger:
What ......... no more face shitting :spew:from the handicapped homestead?

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I think the point born2killspam was trying to make was that there are plenty of great doi-it-yourself projects adressing all kinds of issues on this site. Most people are too lazy to learn how to navigate around and read the GrowFAQ at the top of the page. 99% of the questions, including yours, are answered in there. So, go forth and multiply you lazy prick!


Well-Known Member
I think the point born2killspam was trying to make was that there are plenty of great doi-it-yourself projects adressing all kinds of issues on this site. Most people are too lazy to learn how to navigate around and read the GrowFAQ at the top of the page. 99% of the questions, including yours, are answered in there. So, go forth and multiply you lazy prick!
What a shit response,the search function on this site is one of the worst search engines ive ran across anywhere & offers very little in the way of help.

Here ya go bud,the cheapest & easiest DIY carbon filler on this site,they work excellent,are easy to make with materials readily available at pet stores,meijers ect,they will also work in the size room your growing in,they've been tested long term by myself & other members on this site so we know they work.

Any questions pm me if you need.


Well-Known Member
I think the point born2killspam was trying to make was that there are plenty of great doi-it-yourself projects adressing all kinds of issues on this site. Most people are too lazy to learn how to navigate around and read the GrowFAQ at the top of the page. 99% of the questions, including yours, are answered in there. So, go forth and multiply you lazy prick!
Wow do you ride the fuckin' special bus with the other shit bag, i'm pretty sure i already said i've checked the growfaq's and found a bunch of dumb wanna be tutorials, but none that actually showed good steps to build one, If you can read, you would notice you would be the lazy prick for checking above to the original message which stated:

Okay so i have searched for days on this site and others on how to build a type of carbon scrubber or odor killer, and have found nothing! Does anyone have a good idea or plan or design on how to make something that will work to kill the smell in a 10' x 12' room?

Meaning that i obviously already seen all of these, i did not ask for sarcasm or downright ignorance in ana answer, if you feel the need to make your jokes, or try and belittle the newbies, than why is this site here? Check the signature asshole, i'm a newbie, and i admit it, that's why i'm here, why the fuck are you? If you don't have anything nice to say or good input.......then stay the fuck out!!!! I don't need your help, i find help from respectfull, people who are glad to deal with the newbie questions, that's not you so go fuck off!


Well-Known Member
What wasn't satisfactory about the combined lot? I don't think anybody on these forums who had decent materials has failed to duplicate those before..
I'm sorry I interpreted 'and I found nothing!' to mean you found nothing..

Edit: Swearing in threads should be a privledge..:) Just tossing that out there..

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
When I landed here, I spent months reading before I ever started growing. That is how I do things. Measure twice and cut once. In your original post you said you had been searching for days and found nothing. You obviosly weren't searching very well. I usually am willing to help anyone that asks for it. Sometimes the best thing I can do is point a newb to the GrowFAQ and allow them to find the answer. Give a guy a fish and he eats for a day. Teach him to fish and he will never grow hungry. I think you have to be respectful of the ones that came before you and have shone the light where there was darkness. I know that I owe a huge debt to all the members on this site that have shared their experience, strength and hope. The way for me to pay my way is by also helping others that came here thirsty for knowledge and understanding. I got a little upset that lilmafia would curse and disrespect another member that was trying to point out the error of his ways. Respect to all the growers that have made this possible. I am truly humbled by your ability to freely give away your secrets to success. The circle is complete.


Well-Known Member
What a shit response,the search function on this site is one of the worst search engines ive ran across anywhere & offers very little in the way of help.
A trick that may help is using Google's site specific search.. It gives you all of google's power.. Quotes, importance weighting, excluded key-words, synonyms, number-rages, the works.. For example:["These work every bit as good as a $80 carbon filter"].. Returns only your tutorial.. It can be helpful when advanced searches are actually needed..


New Member
A trick that may help is using Google's site specific search.. It gives you all of google's power.. Quotes, importance weighting, excluded key-words, synonyms, number-rages, the works.. For example:["These work every bit as good as a $80 carbon filter"].. Returns only your tutorial.. It can be helpful when advanced searches are actually needed..
holy shit man never new you could do that, that's much better + rep


Well-Known Member
You are all true, little tommy, you especially, but i tried to point out, by saying i had already searched for days, meaning i had also checked all these faqs. areas. The one guy was true in saying that that this search forum is terrible, but still has some good stuff in there, for growing. There is not too much for each area of interest though, like going into the DIY, then to a single carbomn scrubber folder that has a few ways to make one.
So, i would like to apologize for the way i snapped on the two people here yesterday, it was a bad smoke, no excuse, i know!
So thank you anyway to born2kill and to little tommy for attempting to help this asshole on a rough day. I apologize again!
Now, to all the people who do help I come here to find help from people like the signature, i'm a newbie, i express that from jumpstreet, so the guy that cracked the joke about me being spoonfed everything made me mad. Clearly i am a newbie, expected to act a certain way by the sounds of things(be lazy, not look before asking, and want all the advice handed to me).......not me!
I own a business and know how to get things, by earning them! I don't come here looking to be the best there is, and am no where near it, so i take all advice and handed down knowledge openly on all post if it is givin in a manner that is respectfull to me also, just because he's been here longer doesn't mean i have to respect him anymore than the other guy if he doesn' show me respect as a fellow grower, stoner, and human being!
This is the end of it for me, so can we all get back to the point here, growing some damn plants!!!!!:weed:
Thank you and sorry again!!!!