Weed breath with a chick....


Well-Known Member
See that's what I was wondering about. I don't want to be walking hand in hand with my wife and one of those boer motherfuckers pull up with an elephant gun or some shit.


Well-Known Member
I guess there are still places behind the boerewors curtain like that...
But realy the scene has changed 100% in most metropolitan areas...
Some of my best friends are in multi racial couples with children and everything.
Bigger chance now the boer will get a snot slap from a black cop if he tried that today...


Well-Known Member
ok...cool. That changes my perspective a little bit. So about these MJ prices. How are they in comparison to say the states or canada?


Well-Known Member
a fraction... realy if you steel for weed money here you are a real looser, you could hand in a coke bottle for a deposit and buy enough weed for 2 joints.
P.S. I am a boer myself by birth, but not by lifestyle or association.


Well-Known Member
yeah dude...well our grade A stuff (that the users grow on this website) would go for 100 bucks...considering the exchange rate its....about $10...is that inexpensive for you??


Well-Known Member
Lol I buy bankies of durban poison for R100.
I think the modern day interpretation of a boer is a white afrikaans speaking person.


Well-Known Member
yeah, fuckin' dutch lol....i think South Africa is at the point now, where America was i while back with all the rascist shit over not that long ago....


Well-Known Member
afrikaans is very much like german or something!! dude you know Ive never smoked grade A DP?? just never came across it...but Ive only started smoking over the last four years ...maybe one day...lolol


Well-Known Member
You know I've seen someone start talking in tongues from that shit... he thought he was speaking but what came out of his mouth for 30 minutes was like slapping a keyboard blindfolded.


Well-Known Member
I'm from the boland, but lived in Cape Town for the last decade or so, but recently I moved back to the wonderfull green valleys and farms and mountains of the boland.
The Town I'm in now is still a bit racist, but its underground due to legal problems if it can be proved or withnessed... The reason is the social conditions of farmworkers who realy make it hard for someone to respect them.
You can only help someone who wants to be helped... but if you caome from generations of drunk illiterate people you start with a very big strike against you...

Where I live now there is not a single black or couloured (yep we distinguish between the two) family in the block or any of the adjacent ones...
Where I lived in CT, mine was the only white household in the street, I had, black, coloured and indian neighbours there and we all got along very well.

I'd think twice before lighting up infront of a whitey, but as far as the rest of the nation is concerned it is almost culture to smoke weed.


Well-Known Member
I know exactly what you mean, its like a sweetish sour taste :(

So digusting..

I generally just use gum or mints, its not really that hard to always have them on you, they cost very little and you can buy them almost anywhere..