Ready to flip?


Well-Known Member
i would do it friday night there is a new moon that night and it will bring you luck! they look great better than mine I flipped monday


Active Member
I see some issues.. Give us a rundown of your grow.. Nutes, Ph all that stuff..
Been using M3 soil with 2 amendments of Papas Poop. Water pH is 6.5. Nothing else added. 240W Kingbrite 3500k.

I've heard people vegging Trainwreck for 10 weeks but I don't think I have the space (2x4x5 tent). Should I scrog for a few days before flipping?


Active Member
I guess that would make sense since my water is 0 ppm. I thought the plants would get their mag through the M3 soil. Is this incorrect?


Well-Known Member
Keep in mind that indicas will double in height after flipping and sativas will triple (as a general rule). Always flip with terminal height in mind relative to your grow space with a margin for error.


Active Member

When I use RO water, seedlings stall and die. Everything older has issues. So it's straight from the tap at 7PH for me (I'm on a well).
I’m on a well too and my tap comes in almost 0ppm (it doesn’t even register on the truncheon!)

How much Calimagic should I use on my soil grow? I also have a RDWC grow, which I have been supplementing with 1ml/gal.