When's the light going to change up?


Active Member
I'm in Virginia.. I've got my plant literally covered in damn DE cuz the mealy bugs, russet mites an one other kind took control.. but I'm wondering when will the light start to switch on and give me a chance to start my bloom nutes? Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
I'm in Virginia.. I've got my plant literally covered in damn DE cuz the mealy bugs, russet mites an one other kind took control.. but I'm wondering when will the light start to switch on and give me a chance to start my bloom nutes? Thanks in advance
in midwest US on similat latitude but slightly south of you, my plants start to flower in mid-August. I do weekly preventative maintenance for pest with neem, spinosad, and BT foliar and root drench. I stop foliar application when flowers start to form. I use DE only on soil surface. It's super fine dust that can stick to the buds, so I only apply it in early to mid veg.


Active Member
in midwest US on similat latitude but slightly south of you, my plants start to flower in mid-August. I do weekly preventative maintenance for pest with neem, spinosad, and BT foliar and root drench. I stop foliar application when flowers start to form. I use DE only on soil surface. It's super fine dust that can stick to the buds, so I only apply it in early to mid veg.
So I am definitely doing to much then ? Looks like it just snowed..SMH I don't have anymore insecticidal soap and the mealy bugs are literally seaping.. draining my plant from liquid to the point where I have to give water twice a day so the DE has basically put a stop to that. I'm not going to put anymore on

Root drench? I might need to get that, what do u think? Is it urgent if I havnt had any root drench this entire grow? Would it be too late to get some now? ..sorry for all the questions lol



Well-Known Member
So I am definitely doing to much then ? Looks like it just snowed..SMH I don't have anymore insecticidal soap and the mealy bugs are literally seaping.. draining my plant from liquid to the point where I have to give water twice a day so the DE has basically put a stop to that. I'm not going to put anymore on

Root drench? I might need to get that, what do u think? Is it urgent if I havnt had any root drench this entire grow? Would it be too late to get some now? ..sorry for all the questions lol
I use the following products mixed together at full strength in water with 1tsp/gal of dawn concentrated dish soap. You've got to mix them up really well to emulsify. They're oily products. I use a high speed drill with mixer attachment in 5 gal bucket for that. I spray all over the plants, top, under leaves, stems, and I spray and soak the soil with it (root drench). Must apply after sunset. If sunlight hits leaves wet with this stuff, it will burn the fuck out of them, I also mix in 1/2 strength GH flora nutes. Do not spray this stuff on buds once they start to form:

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