*New Grower, First Year* Help/Feedback Please!

This is the only indoor setup I have/can afford right now. I can't raise my 126w LED light any higher and I have a mess of a office lol different heights and pots my cat even knocked a plant down a couple weeks ago and now it looks fucked but still growing strong lol please help if I should take my big pot outside since I can raise my light higher in the tent. (It's a little 2x2x4) and I have no fan to put in there. I've been using 12-4-8 miracle grow all-purpose plant food for veg nutrients. I have bad ADHD and I'm really trying to soak in everything I read but it's hard cause growing is so slow to me but it's fascinating



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Staff member
People wont respond to pics with lights on. Repost in pure white light or atleast have the leds off
Actually some of us will but it won't be very useful ;)

If it's all you can afford you run with what you can afford and hope for the best. This weed grows under most conditions. You may not get a large return flowing under 126 watts but you'll learn and that will help you on later grows.
Oh yeah I should have mentioned, my light cycle is on a 18-6 timer from 12am- 6am lights are off. ( I got sick of staying up till midnight just to turn them off to go to bed haha Hense timer)