**tall thin pots or short wide pots**


Well-Known Member
one other thing bro , when you switch to flower and switch to warm cfl's dont forget to leave some blue spectrum aswell ..
not 50% - 50% but about 75 red to 25 blue ..
It will help with final product quality


Well-Known Member
I prefer tall to short. Works better for me.
Yeah, I stake my trees, so wider is preferred. I hate those tall skinny pots(still use them though once in a while). You have to really poke at the rootball to flare the stakes.
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Well-Known Member
one other thing bro , when you switch to flower and switch to warm cfl's dont forget to leave some blue spectrum aswell ..
not 50% - 50% but about 75 red to 25 blue ..
It will help with final product quality
i know that one, and keep the veg nutes for about 2 week, ?


Well-Known Member
A bit late, but someone posted some data relevant to this question recently....

There is a water level that the water will wick up to, this height is independent
of the width of the container, so a taller, deeper container will have more moist
soil above the water level and might be preferred.

This difference could be small enough that space constraints make the decision for you.

Good luck,


P.S. See "Perched Water Table"


Well-Known Member
thats up to you . i start the flowering nuts 1week after i switch to flowering , most important is to give them that PK boost once they stop the stretching and start fattening up.
dont over do the N in the flowering phase or you will get some airy small buds .. i've had this problem before .. but that depends alot on the strain .. its really important to do your homework on goggle about the strain you are going to grow .. some strains are heavy feeders others .. not that much .. some tolerate high N in flowering others.. not that much ..


Well-Known Member
A bit late, but someone posted some data relevant to this question recently....

There is a water level that the water will wick up to, this height is independent
of the width of the container, so a taller, deeper container will have more moist
soil above the water level and might be preferred.

This difference could be small enough that space constraints make the decision for you.

Good luck,


P.S. See "Perched Water Table"
Sounds reasonable.
But, A wider pot is gonna provide the plant with more support though rite? Looks like everyone has their own preference:-)


Well-Known Member
A bit late, but someone posted some data relevant to this question recently....

There is a water level that the water will wick up to, this height is independent
of the width of the container, so a taller, deeper container will have more moist
soil above the water level and might be preferred.

This difference could be small enough that space constraints make the decision for you.

Good luck,


P.S. See "Perched Water Table"
and it was all going nice and simple , then you show your confusing face,,,,what what and more what? Lol


Well-Known Member
sometimes too much information can be a problem lol .. javadog has a point but we can not do everything by the "book" and sometimes you have to play with the cards you have ..
i really think the pot issue it will be the least of your problems ... really ... but that just my opinion ..
as long as she haves plenty of soil to grow and you care her properly .. you will have a healthy lady no doubt about that


Well-Known Member
"i really think the pot issue it will be the least of your problems"


"This difference could be small enough that space constraints make the decision for you"

--> Your decisions will likely be driven by larger issues, like space available.

Good luck!



Well-Known Member
lolol no way i am "atacking" what javadog said . and i know you pretty much said the samething when you said
"This difference could be small enough that space constraints make the decision for you"

i just posted again stressing the pot opinion because what mainliner said next
"and it was all going nice and simple , then you show your confusing face,,,,what what and more what? Lol"

you where already started to get confused and i know by trial and mistake that having too much diferent info can leads to troubles lol ..

i dont belive by any means i have the same experience has javadog growing .. but i already had my share of books and forum and mistakes .. and i'm allways happy to share what i think its valid information with the others

Peace and Love .. and now i smoke one of my last grow


Well-Known Member
lolol no way i am "atacking" what javadog said . and i know you pretty much said the samething when you said
"This difference could be small enough that space constraints make the decision for you"

i just posted again stressing the pot opinion because what mainliner said next
"and it was all going nice and simple , then you show your confusing face,,,,what what and more what? Lol"

you where already started to get confused and i know by trial and mistake that having too much diferent info can leads to troubles lol ..

i dont belive by any means i have the same experience has javadog growing .. but i already had my share of books and forum and mistakes .. and i'm allways happy to share what i think its valid information with the others

Peace and Love .. and now i smoke one of my last grow
View attachment 3232002
that sounds like fighting talk,,,,,nice bud by the way


i hope this isn't a stupid question, but im limited to height space at the moment, and are wondering if it would be better to get a short wide pot instead of a tall one , i know roots grow down but they also grow out as well just filling there space,?
i don't exactly know the science of the root
What I read here recently is a description of how their root system grows and the side shooting roots will grow capillaries which are responsible for up taking nutes and water. Usually any plant whatever kind of plant it may be will grow in hieght a percentage of the length of the tap root. Wider less deep pots will have to be watered more but my thinking is there might be less chance of over watering or hot spots with in the soil if using potting soil.