Fed Ex takes forever


Active Member
They always do this crap. It seems like anytime I order something (ie: a bong, a new amp for my car, a vaporizer, etc) anything that I really want to use, they must send some kind of message to the delivery guy that's like "yeah, let's wait until the very last delivery to give this guy his package, we know damn right he's waiting for it and so his lame ass can wait ALL DAY." I remember the day my amp was supposed to get here it was a freezing day in February and I had wanted to set it up in the LIGHT. But no, UPS decided they'd deliver it at like 7 at night after it was dark and completely freezing out. At least it was a snow day the next day so I got to drive around recklessly in the snow with a full stereo system, haha.


Well-Known Member
They always do this crap. It seems like anytime I order something (ie: a bong, a new amp for my car, a vaporizer, etc) anything that I really want to use, they must send some kind of message to the delivery guy that's like "yeah, let's wait until the very last delivery to give this guy his package, we know damn right he's waiting for it and so his lame ass can wait ALL DAY." I remember the day my amp was supposed to get here it was a freezing day in February and I had wanted to set it up in the LIGHT. But no, UPS decided they'd deliver it at like 7 at night after it was dark and completely freezing out. At least it was a snow day the next day so I got to drive around recklessly in the snow with a full stereo system, haha.
Hey atleast you guys know your stuff is coming! Hell my shades have been stuck in customs for 3 days now! Damn the Gov't!


Well-Known Member
i missed them by 5 mins. found a tag on my door. i'm blaming my wife. she never told me she left. it was quiet for 10 mins so i got up to see if she was still here. she was gone and so was Fed Ex. now i have to wait until tomorrow.

looks like i can't launch where i wanted to. there is usually a space 2 cars wide on the left side of the dock. now it's half a car wide and 6 inches deep. the right side just drops off a little cliff.


i could go across the bridge and launch but the parking lot is on top of the hill on the other side of the road. at least a 1/4 mile walk to the dock after you park your truck. then when you come in you have to hike up that hill all tired from riding. if i had someone to park my truck for me. :-|


i would have the whole lake to myself, other than a few fishermen, ............

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Well-Known Member
i missed them by 5 mins. found a tag on my door. i'm blaming my wife. she never told me she left. it was quiet for 10 mins so i got up to see if she was still here. she was gone and so was Fed Ex. now i have to wait until tomorrow.

looks like i can't launch where i wanted to. there is usually a space 2 cars wide on the left side of the dock. now it's half a car wide and 6 inches deep. the right side just drops off a little cliff.

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i could go across the bridge and launch but the parking lot is on top of the hill on the other side of the road. at least a 1/4 mile walk to the dock after you park your truck. then when you come in you have to hike up that hill all tired from riding. if i had someone to park my truck for me. :-|

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i would have the whole lake to myself, other than a few fishermen, ............

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That is sweet. If I had that near me....I would be out everyday!! That there is National Geographic stuff.


Well-Known Member
they left me a tag to sign. i signed it and it is on the front gate. i'm gonna try this again, ........................


Well-Known Member
fedex sucks fat donkey nuts.
local driver here marked down i wasnt home like 3 days in a row ... when i was home
had to write a angry email just to tell them to deliever my fucking package or give it to UPS to do.

when you ship things with them, and it arrives days earlier at their sorting facility than they estimated.
they will told the package there for days then give it to the guy who doesnt like ringing door bells..... then you get your shit a week later. fuckin idiots

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
i missed them by 5 mins. found a tag on my door. i'm blaming my wife. she never told me she left. it was quiet for 10 mins so i got up to see if she was still here. she was gone and so was Fed Ex. now i have to wait until tomorrow.

That sucks! I have the opposite problem.... Fed Ex and UPS will leave packages on my doorstep if I'm not home... even when the package is marked 'signature is required'. It wouldn't be bad if I didn't travel a lot for work.... really I'd prefer my packages to not sit on my doorstep for days. Luckily I live in a good neighborhood and haven't had anything disappear.

This was really weird at first because in CA they never left a package without a signature.... here they just dump it and go. Even when I'm home... they walk up... drop it on the porch... ring the bell and walk away before I even get to the door.

Hope you get your suit today :D


Well-Known Member
That sucks! I have the opposite problem.... Fed Ex and UPS will leave packages on my doorstep if I'm not home... even when the package is marked 'signature is required'. It wouldn't be bad if I didn't travel a lot for work.... really I'd prefer my packages to not sit on my doorstep for days. Luckily I live in a good neighborhood and haven't had anything disappear.

This was really weird at first because in CA they never left a package without a signature.... here they just dump it and go. Even when I'm home... they walk up... drop it on the porch... ring the bell and walk away before I even get to the door.

Hope you get your suit today :D

they always drop it and go. i don't know why they didn't this time. though it does clearly state "sig req". i don't think i've ever had that before. a certified letter maybe.


Well-Known Member
he came by at 11 yesterday, it's 10 now. i better go check.

the messed up part is i can't just go pick it up. who knows where it goes at night.


Well-Known Member
at night .. they put all the packages they pretended to try and deliver in a big pile.... and see who can moon walk through them without falling


Well-Known Member
wooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooo!!!!!

i think i need some "riding shorts" or a potato, other than that all is perfect.


Well-Known Member

LOL... I'm thinking the potato could do some serious damage when you crash trying your next fancy jump trick...
with a potato i wouldn't need fancy tricks. lol :hump::hump:

sure wish i had a friend. i'm gonna have to go alone i guess. :-| all my friends talk big stories, it was their idea to do this. where are they now?


Active Member
with a potato i wouldn't need fancy tricks. lol :hump::hump:

sure wish i had a friend. i'm gonna have to go alone i guess. :-| all my friends talk big stories, it was their idea to do this. where are they now?

isn't that how it always goes? all my buddies talked for so long about motorcycles n as soon as i got one they were nowhere to be found:shock:
at least everyone can always agree on some fire:weed: