a question about light


New Member
hello guys, it will be my first experience. I have a question about the light
I want to use bestva dc1500 led , how much area can i grow with this light and how many auto plants can i fit in this area.


Well-Known Member
According to the specs on the light, it pulls roughly 250-260 watts at the wall. If I remember correctly you want a MINIMUM of around 35watts per sq ft of canopy putting you at about a 7 sq ft of coverage, although that is a stretch. for best results I would probably aim closer to 4-5sq ft. How many plants you can grow depends On their genetics and how big they will get!! With Autos, generally speaking I wouldn’t do more than 3 in that space IMO. Keep in mind you want to give them a lil breathing room. Just cause you can cram more plants in doesn’t mean you should!


Well-Known Member
hello guys, it will be my first experience. I have a question about the light
I want to use bestva dc1500 led , how much area can i grow with this light and how many auto plants can i fit in this area.
Looks like that one is 280w actual power draw. You should be to do a 2'x4' tent well with that.

*I got the power draw info from an ebay post*


Well-Known Member
hello guys, it will be my first experience. I have a question about the light
I want to use bestva dc1500 led , how much area can i grow with this light and how many auto plants can i fit in this area.
30w/ft. is good with efficient white led. The bastva is what is known as a blurple, they use outdated and less efficient diodes so around 50w/ft. is recommended.