May, have I gone complete insane?

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
I have been wrestling with my thoughts of how to contruct an amazing stealth box setup. Prioritys were, in order from least to greatest; stealthy, performance and professionalism(none of this sloppy Homemade junk looks.)

Anyways I just gave up for the moment, threw the project on hold and constructed a box out of cardboard boxes. Pretty fly for 20 minutes of work.

Now I have one question how am I going to suspend the light from the top of the box? It doesn't seem like duct tape is suitable here. As it was everywhere else for the slapdash temporary box.

I dont want it falling on my plants though. SEEDS ARE IN GERMINATION, WOOHH.
May I ask you if I may bring life to another being and nuture it and protect it from the horrors of this world, just to stab it in the back and pack a bowl?


Well-Known Member
Try to built a wooden steelage within the box.. Cardboard needs support there, otherwise may collapse.


Well-Known Member
ummmmm you could knoch the top of the carbord box and set a dowl in the knock..and hang you light by that....or hang the lights from outside the box somehow and get the "suspenders" through the top of the box...

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Yeah that should work, for now. This is going to last maybe 3 weeks at the maximum. Thats including luis's rainy day fund for if santa clause steals my identity.


Active Member
What kinda light? Idea of weight? a pic would answer more setup type questions. How strong is the box? You have some weak ass cardboard, then you got some heavy freaking duty cardboard also, what materials are you workin with here?

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Hmmmm cardboard boxes and electricity ... sounds like a recipe for disaster.... better keep a fire extinguisher on hand.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
What kinda light? Idea of weight? a pic would answer more setup type questions. How strong is the box? You have some weak ass cardboard, then you got some heavy freaking duty cardboard also, what materials are you workin with here?
Im playing on having the plants in them for about 5 days if even. So im not to concerned with the cardboard box. Im going to make another box in those 5 days to be the full grow box.

Hmmmm cardboard boxes and electricity ... sounds like a recipe for disaster.... better keep a fire extinguisher on hand.
When I drink alot im a good fireman.