Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
I had to go to the hardware store today, and picked up a fresh bottle of map gas while there...and so I just had to press a bud to make sure it works....It does :eyesmoke: Squeezed some GMO.

Hey, what this about a birthday joint @Jeffislovinlife ? Do I need to get my singing voice out??? Wiat, one more dab to fine tune it....

I made some country style ribs on the grill last night that were awesome, and they good news is there's leftovers!
Can I come for leftovers? :]


Well-Known Member
I was up at 5 am wide awake....But I vaped a bowl and took care of that. Back to sleep til 8.

Hoping to get groceries this morning, and perhaps start tearing the laminate flooring out of my basement. I said that yesterday too though, lol.

The sun is shining with a high forecast of 73f, and no rain forecast for several days....I just read we are close to beating the all time record for rainfall in July. Yeah, I could have guessed!