Slow growth


New Member
Hello! I planted two autoflowers this summer. I grow in coconut soil on the balcony and water with ph between 6 and 6.5 every other day or two. I use canna coco a+b as fertilizer and control the humidity with a plastic bottle over the plants. I leave them in the sun between 6-10 hours, maybe it's a little short time, but i am not every day at home all day and i use only the sunlight .I completely make the balcony growing Today is the 11th day since the plant appeared above the ground. I had a little trouble when this happened because the shell was stuck and I lost two days of growth before removing it. I want to ask if this plant is too small for its age? It seems to me that it grows a little slowly, but the second pair of leaves are already visible in the middle. In another forum I was told that the plant is currently focusing more on the roots and will soon start growing.Can you give me any advice? I'm a complete beginner, and I know it's not as easy as it seems.F4C1BEB1-C393-4624-8B96-0019728C1903.jpegC23B77C9-4A25-48D0-94E3-0B4E66403E02.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Yes, canna coco a+b
Did you water the whole pot or just a bit around the seedling and how old is it?

Should mix up a batch of half strength nutes and soak the pot good. Won't have to water for 2 weeks probably and it should dry on top a good 3" before giving more water and maybe not even then if the plant is doing well by then. A 2" tall seedling will have roots down a good 6" so let the top dry out or risk overwatering and root rot.

Coco is not the best choice for new growers as it always has issues of some kind compared to peat based soilless medium. I love ProMix HP and have used it for over 10 years. Can be used straight out of the bale as-is but like coco needs nutrients added right away as it has none of it's own.

Good luck!



Well-Known Member
feed 250 ppm, just around the plant for first week then hit with 550-600 ppm max with canna for autos , dont stress they will grow