Happy thread :)

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It was the only beer they sold.
I think it tastes like piss :)
I like dark ales like Newcastle Brown Ale (one of the few good things to come from Britain) is nice or a German Dunkel

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i love german hefe and dunkel weizens. just picked up a 6er of weihenstephaner hefes today. oldest brewery in the world: 1040 so they should know how to make a beer by now. lol

an ice cold miller high life in a bottle aint' to bad for a mass produced. good for cutting the grass.
Heineken is skunk beer. I gave it a couple tries when I was young. Never again. I blame it on the green glass and long voyage.

"Warm beer and bread they say could raise the dead.":D
i used to spend a decent amount of time in amsterdam. there was a bar that i found that had it delivered daily by truck. can't get any fresher than that. that and some really good hash from all over the planet too.
i love german hefe and dunkel weizens. just picked up a 6er of weihenstephaner hefes today. oldest brewery in the world: 1040 so they should know how to make a beer by now. lol

an ice cold miller high life in a bottle aint' to bad for a mass produced. good for cutting the grass.
Right. Miller is good, if it's ice cold. Actually, any beer is better ice cold, not just refrigerator cold.
i know this is the happy thread but did anybody else read that there were like 4000 complaints/comments to the fbi about kavanaugh that were swept under the rug. i'm pretty sure a SC judge can be removed if this is all true.
You have better chance of #$%^^&$ .. or............ ^^^^... you could also.......oBNFTHFHKYTFVB. Than having Him removed Constitutionally.
He basically needs to live out his natural life.
BUT!!!! He has daughters......Hehehe...They'll kill'em.
i know this is the happy thread but did anybody else read that there were like 4000 complaints/comments to the fbi about kavanaugh that were swept under the rug. i'm pretty sure a SC judge can be removed if this is all true.
He can be impeached by the house and convicted by the senate, just like a POTUS. If he lied under oath and the GOP senate acquitted him, he could still be criminally convicted and serve time, in orange robes though.
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