Leaves have dark green/brown spots. Surface of leaves feels is like sandpaper.


Hello guys,

i think that my plants are pretty normal and healthy. However last week was colder and it was raining a lot and then i noticed that some of my plants leaves have dark brown/green spots and surface on touch feels almost like sandpaper.

I will be thankful for any advice.



Well-Known Member
Hello guys,

i think that my plants are pretty normal and healthy. However last week was colder and it was raining a lot and then i noticed that some of my plants leaves have dark brown/green spots and surface on touch feels almost like sandpaper.

I will be thankful for any advice.
Welcome to RIU.

What strain, grow media, nutrients, feed/water sched, ppm/ec, pH? What kind of temps and humidity are you seeing? What is you climate zone like? Where approx are you?


Welcome to RIU.

What strain, grow media, nutrients, feed/water sched, ppm/ec, pH? What kind of temps and humidity are you seeing? What is you climate zone like? Where approx are you?
It is Purple Punch Auto.
Grow medium is Biobizz Light Mix with some extra perlit. It should be 70/30 ratio.
I give them Biobizz Bloom and Topmax both 3ml per 1L. I use Topmax every third feed, but i am planning to use it every other feed.
During sunny days i water them every second day, but when weather is optimal i water and feed them every third day.
Ppm/ec dont know.
Ph is around 6,5.
I live in Czech republic. During summer there is temperature around 25°C, but during hot days it can be 30°C and during cold ones 15°C. Humidity is around 50-70% and wind is mostly stale.


Well-Known Member
Based on the last picture of the whole plant, it looks like the plant is pretty big relative to the size of pot that it's in. It that case, it will pull the nutrients and water from the soil faster than if it were in a larger pot or in the ground.

I've never grown autos. I'm not sure, but I think it is not good to repot them after flowering has started. I don't repot flowering plants.

My outdoor plants in central US get very hungry by this time in the season. We are hitting 35c to 38c here daily. My in-ground plants get watered every 2 or 3 days. I only have one potted outdoor in a cloth pot like yours. I water/feed whenever the pot starts to feel significantly lighter than when it is saturated. In this hot weather, that is every 1 to 2 days.

I feed the potted plant with every watering. In hot temps where the plants are uptaking water/food more rapidly from the soil, I mix at reduced strength nutrients. In temps of 25c to 30c, I usually mix my feed/water at 900 to 1000 ppm. In higher temps, like 35c to 28c that I'm getting this week, I mix at 500 to 600 ppm. I use tap water that comes out at 200ppm. That means at full strength im adding 700 to 800 ppm of nutes, and at reduced strength im adding 300 to 400 ppm, about half the amount of added nutrients.

My in ground plants are fed by sprinkling soluble nutes on top of soil and watering in, and my potted plants are fed by premixing water/feed. If I do not feed my outdoor plants what I consider to be heavily, especially relative to my indoor plants, they begin to exhibit nutrient deficiencies in the lower leaves like what you are seeing. Mine are photo plants in heavy veg, so I'm still using veg (high N) nutrients. I start getting a lot of lower leaves turning yellow with N and maybe other deficiencies.

As far as the sand paper feel, the leaves on outdoor do not feel smooth or slick. They have some texture and slight abrasiveness to them, but I wouldn't describe it as sandpaper. I've felt sandpaper texture on leaves that have bad PM, but your pictures do not have obvious signs of PM, powdery spots on leaves.

I hope some of that info can be useful for you.