Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Was gonna say 5-8k probably. My issues with exterior are a giant deck and a addition that was probably a deck at one point.......and the septic tank is within 20" of the foundation......that's the big thing. I'd have to move that :(
My biggest challenge, I think, is that the one end of the house has blacktop right tight to the house, so I'll have to cut that back 2' or so to dig, then patch it in.

Yes there are thousands and thousands of people dealing with the same exact issue right now :( Then we have the other end of the spectrum with fires out west.

I watched a cool show on Netflix last night about female prisoners in Cali who sign up for a firefighting program they have, that can leads to a job afterwards...Pretty awesome!


Well-Known Member
My biggest challenge, I think, is that the one end of the house has blacktop right tight to the house, so I'll have to cut that back 2' or so to dig, then patch it in.

Yes there are thousands and thousands of people dealing with the same exact issue right now :( Then we have the other end of the spectrum with fires out west.

I watched a cool show on Netflix last night about female prisoners in Cali who sign up for a firefighting program they have, that can leads to a job afterwards...Pretty awesome!
There was a problem with prisoner firefighters due to covid if I remember correctly.

But yeah it's the wrong time, to have to get shit repaired.....depending on where you live.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
OMG, major senior moment. 5 pm and I'm just getti8ng out of bed. It seems I have been taking the wrong pills all day. Instead of my pain meds, I have been taking xanax all day. 3 of them. I normally only take 1 at bedtime.

I was sooooooo tired, and couldn't understand why. I jut couldn't get going and kept gravitating back to my bed.

Some people will do anything to get out of removing laminate flooring :lol: Maybe a shower will help!
^^^^^^^^^^ Clever!


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
Yup checking my 2018 Honda Civic for a parasitic drain then beating the local Honda dealer up over a warranty battery replacement that didn't last 6 months and NO I'm not towing them my car with the battery in situ (again). Fucking fucktards
Damn, that sounds freaking frustrating. Did they literally shove off a brick with 6th months left in it onto you?


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Damn, that sounds freaking frustrating. Did they literally shove off a brick with 6th months left in it onto you?
It looks new, so I doubt it. Honda has been using underpowered batteries while increasing electrical consumption in their cars. I have one of the more power hungry models in the Civic line so this makes sense. I wouldn't mind simply taking the battery in but they want you to TOW it in. I'm willing to expend one tow a year on that nonsense but not two.

Anyway I technically am not handling this, other than channeling my poor husband's frustration over it. That's my job and I do it well!


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
Oh he's already crazy so there's no issue there, thanks. He's actually good at working with them. He a maintenance whisperer.
Daaamn, lucky! That's one of those rare marriage traits. Good looking, rich, funny, good at phone calls so you don't have to, can carry all the groceries up in one trip, not balding with a funny shaped head. Gotta tick the boxes.


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
LOL, what are your plans for today? Assuming you locate your mixing bucket.
To go to work, and mix monday, but have a bucket to do it with! How did I hide a 30 gallon tub from myself....
My seedlings are starting to do the root pokey. That mutant is growing a normal node and a node that looks topped.

And stay out of the heat. Yeeeeesh. Hot and humid