
Well-Known Member
That's inSANE!

I remember hearing about this thing in Vegas, hunting for Bambi, or something, where guys pay a shit load of money to paint ball hunt naked chicks. The girls get paid BANK, especially if they get hit.

I dunno, I'm a puss for pain but...*considering*


Active Member
Yeah a lot of things cause cancer like smoking but if you eat shittake instead and (they do taste like shit) but they are good at healing. Also Birch tree sap is also known for it's cancer healing properties. I like smoking and try and make up for that by avoiding other shit like button mushrooms and fluoride in tooth paste which was used as a form of mind control in WW2 also a by-product of brick making but the Government don't tell you that shit do they? no, they just say it is good for your teeth.
Also why I am on a rant, look up about chemical waste used to grow tobacco when it is so grown like a weed easy in your garden organically and can be quite benifical to your health without shit added.
There rant over.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Still gonna eat em.I don't get cancer.Cancer gets Stoney.
Don't eat button mushrooms they give you cancer. Thought I'd share that with you all.
Alrighty, then!Welcome to riu!Or should I say..welcome back, since you've been here a while, but obviously don't post much!
Yeah a lot of things cause cancer like smoking but if you eat shittake instead and (they do taste like shit) but they are good at healing. Also Birch tree sap is also known for it's cancer healing properties. I like smoking and try and make up for that by avoiding other shit like button mushrooms and fluoride in tooth paste which was used as a form of mind control in WW2 also a by-product of brick making but the Government don't tell you that shit do they? no, they just say it is good for your teeth.
Also why I am on a rant, look up about chemical waste used to grow tobacco when it is so grown like a weed easy in your garden organically and can be quite benifical to your health without shit added.
There rant over.