Hey everyone I have an update on my plants. I notice this week they kinda stalled on bud development . Is it normal ?. Ive been feeding them 1 tsp every other watering tiger bloom that is pH corrected . What should I do now ? I'm at 52 days flowering . My next batch I'm sure to feed earlier than this one . Thank you for feedback !
Not even sure where to start on this …. But All issues are from
your hand …. Plants pretty much cannibilized itself to push on ( pulled what little nitro it could get from leaf reserves - BTW was
not sufficient do to your “ tea “ diet. It needed full feeds but now under feeding introduced stressors. Buds will be what they are ….
Looks like most of the big fans are now photosynthetically handicapped ( no pigment left ). Looks like it’s pulling whatever it can from sugar too. Feeding tiger bloom
every OTHER day isn’t even the right regiment of use. That nute line gets heavily salted especially when OVER USED. That is only but a few reasons …… so , ride it out as it is.