Ah the name calling. That's always the sign of a genius.
Defunding probably wasn't the best word to use but they're actively trying to cut money from the police budget and are doing it little by little. Fortunately after a year of "I hate the police" riots that destroyed the downtown area as miscreants rampaged uncontrolled vandalizing and looting everything the citizens of Portland have had enough of that nonsense and the mood has changed.
The majority of us Portlanders don't want another dime taken from the police budget to provide services for the homeless meth addicts that have invaded our beautiful city with their broken down RV's, filthy rat infested camps, and the crime these meth addicts bring.
Portland City Council Approves Budget Cutting Additional $15M From Police
Portland City Council has approved a budget that will cut an additional $15 million from the police bureau’s budget, but falls short of the $50 million cut that community advocates had been pushing for.
And the rate that the gun violence has risen in Portland in the last 6 months is well above most cities in America.
But what do I know I just live here.
The brilliant minds of the Portland City Council. Cut the police budget and use that money for the homeless.